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Thrust- The LOST levels


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It might be hard to believe but I am still trying to beat thrust on the expert difficulty. The way the games are set up there is the easy way and the hard way. I have already beat it the easy way on Game 3, but now I am trying to beat the expert level. Which is Game 2 and 4. On 2 and 4 there are 2 levels that are not in the easy way of beating it and I have just got to the second one of those levels. I can guarantee that nobody but me and Thomas have seen this level. And it is the hardest by all means.


It was nearly impossible beating the 5th level of the expert game which can be seen here.


So is there anyone else that is actually trying to beat this game anymore? I am almost inclined to start another contest for the "second person to beat thrust" but I would need to come up with a good enough prize first.


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There has been an idea going around that there are supposed to be patches for this game just like star fire. Thomas has the final word on if they are made or not.


BTW: ask thomas, but I don't think there were any improvements on the gameplay for the platnum version, just the music.


I would like to get either the cart or my instructions or box signed eventually.

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There has been an idea going around that there are supposed to be patches for this game just like star fire. Thomas has the final word on if they are made or not.

I am waiting for Lee's final design.


BTW: ask thomas, but I don't think there were any improvements on the gameplay for the platnum version, just the music.



I would like to get either the cart or my instructions or box signed eventually.

Maybe I will sign something for those who earn the patches. So that's something you don't get for money or nice words, but hard work only! :)

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I plan to beat Thrust silly once Thomas promises to make NO more "improvements" and releases

I have promised that already when I released Thrust+ Platinum. :)


OR Thomas sends me a signed cart of my very own. :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

NEVER! I won't bribe anyone. :P :D


What! No 'Thrust the Black Album+ Platinum GoldSilverBronze Wrapped into One' Edition? Damn :(

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There has been an idea going around that there are supposed to be patches for this game just like star fire. Thomas has the final word on if they are made or not.

I am waiting for Lee's final design.


Can't wait :D I am trying really hard to beat game 4 right now. But I can't even get thru the first 6 levels on Game 2.


I don't think people believe how hard it was to get those pictures above :ponder:

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Can't wait :D I am trying really hard to beat game 4 right now. But I can't even get thru the first 6 levels on Game 2.

That was the plan! :D


You mean the plan of the original game designers, right? :D You didn't plan anything that has to do with the levels did you?


I did notice that the gravity is slightly different in the original version. So I would say this game is original in its own respect.


How long did it take for you to playtest the really hard levels that I am working on now?

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You mean the plan of the original game designers, right? :D You didn't plan anything that has to do with the levels did you?

Yes I did, the ultra nasty planets 7 and 8 you are currently working one are my very own design. :)


How long did it take for you to playtest the really hard levels that I am working on now?

:idea: I tested every planet at least once with every obstacle (and combined) using unlimited lifes. So they are not completely impossible, though fuel might become a problem.

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