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Atari Jaguar 4mb Alpine


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yup I did.. I doubt I will get it for my paltry bid.. but you don't know unless you try.. thats handy to know tho.. I can at least see if I can match that :)


ah well.. heres hoping the missus doesn't find out  :)


Well, bets of luck to you Linko. I'd really like to see it go to someone who can really USE it! :)


I'm boned then :)



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ah well.. looks like TBird is going to get it unless someone outbids him.. I can't really justify any more cash when I haven't yet got round to fully using my 2MB alpine.. I am sure there will be others (or sketchy evenings with a soldering iron and lots of sweat :) ).


I saw that you got outbid on that. I guess either one of you guys would get some good use out of it!

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Maybe I shoulda gone for this and shifted a 2MBer onwards...if I wasn't otherwise occupied and feeling poor after my recent Jaggie outlay :lol:


Best thing for me right now would be a proper dead-tree dev manual; it'd be lovely to just be able to sit down and read through properly, it's not quite the same on a screen :(



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That's what I want to know. Either he's planning on doing something massive where he needs another board (which would be odd since he said he's getting out of Jag stuff) or he just wanted the prototype version of Defender 2000.



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Either way, the ROM was loaded on afterwards (my guess would be in the testing phases, I'm told ROMs of near-finished games were shared around the office for those with Alpines to play with).


I know this isn't the board D2K was developed on, because Jeff said he only ever had one, and I'm looking at it right now. Sorry :D



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So you have a 4 meg alpine! (nice that a lot of them are coming out...)

Now, when are we going to see your coding skills put in a 4 Meg Cart? :D

With all that light guns, region switches and stuff, I'll guess it will be a real killer app (and don't forget to implement mouse and rotary controllers!).

Now, If you only started with giving a timeframe, we could start begging you for snapshots, videos, and general requests :) .


I really hope that all the people who have 4Meg boards DO have coding skills and DO want to make some use of them (boards and skills).



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Nice try Linko...what is it now, 9 months since you actually did any work on your project?


Given the latest news, guess now I know what you were doing instead :lust: :twisted: :P




Besides, I try never to announce anything, that way all my insane ideas can be quietly binned if they wouldn't have worked :)



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Nice try Linko...what is it now, 9 months since you actually did any work on your project?


Thats ProjectS (plural) :), and I think the project I started 9 months ago worked out pretty well.. compiling it took a while.. but hey ho :)


Now to work on Jag related stuff.. and I actually have something brewing.. and have been sneaking in a bit of coding on the side when I get chance... Number of women in our house has doubled.. If it wasn't for the dog we would be level pegging.. really upset the balance around here :)

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