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How many Ataris have been sold worldwide?


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I just wonder, how many ataris have been actually sold over the years woldwide?


it would be interesting to compare with other home computers (yea, we know, the c64 outsold the atari, but still....)


is there a top ten of the best selling 8-bit computers available somewhere?


I am sure there might have been a tough competition with all those spectrums, amstrads/schneiders that have been sold pretty well especially in the uk/german-markets....

but atari did well in the usa, at least in the early 80s I suppose, and in germany....in poland atari was also quite strong in the late 80s ;)


and what about the older ones, like the ti 99/4a or the vic-20?


so any information available?

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For FRANCE there were approximately 60000 computers atari 8 bit 400/800/xl/xe of sold  :sad:


amstrad cpc :  more than 1 millon for FRANCE only :x  




60000 aren't really that much.... :(

I think there have been sold about 1 million ataris in germany (not totally sure about that though, might be less).....

but probably about 6 million c64.....

I think, worldwide there have been 22 million c64 sold (the c64 is in the guiness book of records as the best selling computer ever)

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I found this link a while ago, which I thought was pretty interesting. Looks like both the A8 and ST series sold fairly well, with the A8's sales peaking in 1982. I don't know how accurate that chart is, but I'm sure it should give you an idea of how well they sold.

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must read the small prints:


Atari 400 and 800 ($299 and $899). With 256 colorss, four separate sound generators and built-in “missile qraphics,” the Ataris are the machines of choice for game players and games writers. The 800 has a keyboard suitable to touch typing, but writers would do well to look elsewhere for a first-rate word processor. Nearly 200,000 Atari 8OOs were shipped in 1982 and some 400,000 model 400s.





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great link!

seems like the atari was the world's best selling computer in 82!


really too bad, the xl/xe-line isn't listed....

assuming the xl/xe sold in equal quantities or less than the 400/800-line, a total of 3-4 million sold ataris seems quite realistic to me....


I'd bet that the VIC-20, which is not on this list, was the best-selling home computer of 1981 and 1982. The A8 line was just too expensive at that time for most users (my 800 cost $800 in '83).

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