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Very sad news :( I no longer have my Atari collection.

Greg Zumwalt

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It sounds like a shit situation - but surely if its insured then they will pay out. I know some stuff is irreplacable (family history and the like) - But the Atari and other gaming collections are certainly replacable. The guy is clearly not a reasonable man and if the insurance company are not paying then I'd go straight to court and claim off him. He'll just have to sell the house to pay his debt.


I've been there (sort of), we were burgled and had a lot of stuff taken, but the insurance paid out and nobody got hurt. So we replaced what we could and moved on with our lives. The really sad thing is how do you put a price on a 100 year old family photo?

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How did he destroy the stuff?


That sounds highly suspicious to me, maybe *some* of the stuff was destroyed, but I have a hard time believing that all of it (or even a large portion of it) was. Sounds like the new owner looked through the barn and saw a bonanza of collectibles and decided to take advantage of the situation and screw Greg over. Also, is the neighbor that reported seeing the stuff being destroyed the same one that recommended selling the house to the individual who purchased it? Could be that the neighbor isn't being honest here. I can see no reason to "destroy" the items unless you wanted to make someone think that they are gone and hence, not worth pursuing any longer.



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2 different neighbors, one to either side of him...

he reportidly brought in a dumpster, loaded it and had it sent of...

I have been watching E-Bay, but much is hard to trace.

The really rare stuff has not shown up yet.


I spoke with both neighbors recently who both tell me they are not on good terms with Wagner now as he has lied to one and is refusing to speak with either at this time. Not that it effects me any, but it shows his character.

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1. I can honestly say that really sucks. I know how I'd feel were I in your shoes - devestated.

2. Many have said they're only posessions, that may be true, but it's a lifetimes' work too.

3. It just goes to show that trust only goes so far, especially w/ people you don't know well.

4. Never allow anyone to "store" or "appraise" or "liquidate" items for you without a signed and written agreement that you've had checked with an attorney to make sure it's binding.

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What Al said.


Dude probably looked in there, at the VERY least figured some of it was worth something, then got it in his head that it was now his house, his property, including the barn and what was in it.


Then, under a very sloppy cover of taking the stuff somewhere to be "destroyed" he moved it all somewhere safe to lay low.


Think about it ... who takes stuff to be "destroyed"? That might not be a quote from the asshole's lips, but I gather that it was at least the sum of his words. People don't take things to be "destroyed" ... they take the stuff to a dump or some such. And then, if he was truly just getting rid of it, why would he invest the time and effort, or enlist someone else's help, to remove the offending items from the premises when you were perfectly willing and able to remove them (your property!) your self?


If he had to take out those loans to get the house, then he's hurting for cash. I'd bet my balls the stuff is fine, somewhere.


And here's something else .... who the fuck buys a house from someone and then kicks the former owner off the property? First, former owners don't hang around or visit the new owners past the sale. Second, why was asshole so quick to call you a trespasser? That's unheard of, straight up. That just does not happen. He didn't want you around his new treasure, because he didn't want you to take it back.


I know you know this, but you need to get on the fucking ball here and get a lawyer and act FAST. That stuff is still around. You got some things going for you. I don't think there are any laws that would prohibit your getting your things back, you're just tied up in this jurisdiction crap. Once you get passed that, it should be clear to any judge that it's YOUR stuff. Then, the guy is apparently a moron. See the above comments and it'll be more than clear that asshole is not only trying to steal your stuff, he's doing a bad job at it and has covered himself with the flimsiest story ever.

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To expediate the move, much of my stuff was moved to the barn (more of a nice shed) so that I'd be out and they could get in right away.  Soon as they were in, I was thrown off the property and told never to return.


You moved your stuff to a barn that was on THEIR property????? I'm sorry, but that was just plain stupid. You should have moved the stuff to your parents' house or your friends' house or a Storage Company. Leaving your stuff behind in the hands of strangers is equivalent to abandoning it.




Well... I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I kinda think you are a victim of yourself. Hopefully a lawyer can work to get your stuff back.

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Here's the big question:


Did you notify the guy that you put the stuff in the shed so he could move in more quickly?


If he was told that, then it would be totally understood you were trying to do him a favor and fully intended to gather those items. It seems to me that would be helpful in trial.

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Here's the big question:


Did you notify the guy that you put the stuff in the shed so he could move in more quickly?


If he was told that, then it would be totally understood you were trying to do him a favor and fully intended to gather those items. It seems to me that would be helpful in trial.

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I know you dont know if you want to look at another system again at this time, but if you change your mind you can have $20 worth of items from my website free of charge. Not much there on the rare side, but its a start. I hope it all works out for you.

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Ouch . . .


No way they don't have plans to sell 90% of this stuff . . . Heck, the gaming stuff they could just take to the nearest GX and dump if they didn't want to be traced . . .


These people are slime . . .


Too bad Judge Judy doesn't deal with amounts in seven figures and you don't know the Mafia . . .

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Oh, I read it, but that slipped from me. I was kinda engrossed by the list of lost items.


And yeah, it'd be Great if Judge Judy could lace into that asshole.


Do any of the other televised Judges deal in large amounts like this?


(And as an irrelevent note, I don't know how I managed to double-post that other message. Sorry, all.)

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