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And just like that - I have an arcade!


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Will wonders never cease? I'm still trying to take it all in, really... It's a hard thing to wrap my brain around - two of the "infernal" machines that stole many a quarter in my youth, are now held captive in my basement, forced to entertain me FOR FREE! Well, even with that, I doubt I'll ever fully get my money back, but it won't be for lack of trying.

Anyway, I wasn't planning on picking up a game for quite some time - much less two - but these two deals fell into my lap, and I couldn't pass them up.

First off - Bagman - almost mint condition. I've got some color warp on the screen, which corresponds to the location of the magnet in the speaker directly above the screen. A friend will be stopping by tomorrow with some sort of magic wand - there is a name for it - but it sounded way too scientific to remember - anyway, this wand will supposedly "unmagnitize" that which is magnitized. Otherwise, the cabinet - side art - controls - everything - almost mint!

Delivered to my basement - $250...

Secondly - Final Fight - This thing looks brand new. The fellow who had it before me took great care of it - and everything looks amazing. I was definitely blessed with this one.

Delivered to my front door - $350...

So, here are some pics - I love entertaining, so, if you're ever in the area, feel free to drop in. I hope to eventually finish my basement in some sort of arcade motif, complete with blacklights and a airhockey table. All in due time.

BTW, if anyone knows of a Marble Madness that can be had for a reasonable price, I am VERY, VERY interested!

I'd even trade one of these and some cash.




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A friend will be stopping by tomorrow with some sort of magic wand - there is a name for it - but it sounded way too scientific to remember - anyway, this wand will supposedly "unmagnitize" that which is magnitized.
Degaussing wand.
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A friend will be stopping by tomorrow with some sort of magic wand - there is a name for it - but it sounded way too scientific to remember - anyway, this wand will supposedly "unmagnitize" that which is magnitized.
Degaussing wand.

Yep - that's it! Although "Magic Wand" or even "Spear of Mischief" sounds a little more interesting...

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A friend will be stopping by tomorrow with some sort of magic wand - there is a name for it - but it sounded way too scientific to remember - anyway, this wand will supposedly "unmagnitize" that which is magnitized.
Degaussing wand.

Yep - that's it! Although "Magic Wand" or even "Spear of Mischief" sounds a little more interesting...

Spear of Mischief is what you call it when you carry it into a room full of computers.


All those nice yummy floppies and hard disks, just waiting to have their bits reoriented...

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Nice! I'd love to have that Bagman game ;)


So do we get to hear the story of how these came to be yours?


Why does the Bagman look much smaller than the Final Fight? I've never noticed Bagman being a small arcade or is it that the Final Fight is that much bigger?

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Why does the Bagman look much smaller than the Final Fight? I've never noticed Bagman being a small arcade or is it that the Final Fight is that much bigger?


From the looks of things, the Final Fight machine looks to be housed in one of those all-purpose "Dynamo" cabinets. These were noticeably larger than most classic coin-op cabinets from the 1980's.

Nice finds! Final Fight is a great game and Bagman will offer you hours of retro gaming goodness.

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SUCCESS!!! My friend just stopped by and waved his wand at "Bagman"... and - presto! Perfect screen, perfect colors!!!

This magical "degaussing" wand is indeed, the shit!


Yes, the Final Fight cabinet does indeed dwarf the Bagman cabinet. The fellow who sold it to me told me much the same story about it as Adrian, so I do believe it was a dynamo cabinet - tho' the side art, control panel, and marque are all defininetly original.

I just call it "Hagger"-sized. :D


Now, maibock, the tale of how brave Tigger did happen upon these treasures.

Well, pure luck, really. I did a local search on ebay for arcade machines - figuring, "Hey, I've got a truck. Why not save the shipping cost, and pick one up myself."

So, with that out of the way, well, then I needed to find a game in my area that, #1, was affordable, and #2, one that I actually wanted.

First search I hit Bagman - a game I loved, and figured wouldn't get too much attention because it just doesn't seem to be that well known. ON TOP OF THAT - the fellow offered free shipping within 300 miles - which I was well within. YEA!

Starting bid was $225, and I figured even if it ended around $325, it'd still be a deal, considering it'd be delivered to my door.

Now, God bless the guy - he's a really great fellow, but why he chose to end the auction at noon on Christmas day - well, I'll never know. But I thank him for it! I'm guessing that is one of the reasons why it only got 3 total bids. Anyway, right before noon, I excused myself from the family Christmas dinner, ran downstairs, put a bid thru on my dad's computer - and watched the auction end on my bid - $251!!!

Needless to say, I was "bouncing" when I came back to the table - a nice x-mas present to myself!

My brothers were excited to see the game too, as, strangely enough, that was the sole arcade game in the hotel that we all stayed in 20 years ago when my oldest brother got married. We got in a few rounds of that game while waiting for the rest of the wedding party to show up. So it has that bit of history going for it as well.

Anyway, I figured that would be the end of my arcade buying for a while... BUT, for the heck of it, I did another local search, and found Final Fight, with an opening bid of $300 - with free local delivery as well!!! Now, this time, I was out of the delivery range, but I thought I'd email the fellow to see if he'd consider delivering it out to me, for a little extra cash.

Apparently, he was a little strapped for cash, because he emailed back saying that he'd do it for $350 - no less... Which was more than o.k. with me, considering, #1, I love that game, and #2, he had refurbed the whole thing - it's gorgeous, the picture is huge and sharp, and hey, free delivery.

So I couldn't pass that one up.

Anyway, this will be the end of the arcade buying for a few months... Unless an incredible deal on Marble Madness comes along.

Past that, I'll be looking for a cocktail Warlords, a Galaga, Centipede and Pengo.

I'd definitely stop there - should I ever find all those.

But, for now, I'm more than happy and content, and feeling very blessed and fortunate.

So, there's the tale.

Hope that wasn't too longwinded!

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Yes, the Final Fight cabinet does indeed dwarf the Bagman cabinet. The fellow who sold it to me told me much the same story about it as Adrian, so I do believe it was a dynamo cabinet - tho' the side art, control panel, and marque are all defininetly original.  

I just call it "Hagger"-sized.  :D  


Many of the late 1980's-1990's arcade games were often distributed in "kit" form (where the operator got the PCB, side art, marquees, controllers, stickers, etc) and simply installed into the all-purpose Dynamo cabs. Dedicated coin-ops cost more, so the kit format proved to be a cost-effective way for operators to introduce more games into their locations. Dynamo cabs were the perfect cabinet for many operators as well since they lent themselves well to multiple game swaps/makeovers!

Nonetheless, I'm truly impressed! I hope you enjoy your new toys! :)

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I need to find me a Bagman machine.  I love that game.


Nice finds Tigger, enjoy 'em!


I'm still trying to clear out all three screens of bags on one quarter. Not easy, especially considering the wait time needed for some of the elevators - and, once there are only 5 or so bags left, the guards REALLY speed up. (Perhaps it takes that long for the meth to kick in?)

Nevertheless, I'm really enjoying it!

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