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How much is a boxed XE system worth?


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Try to make sure that the boxed XEGS set contains:


- a keyboard;


- the XG-1 lightgun;


-both "Bug Hunt" and FS2, with instructions;


-the XEGS manual;


-all warranty cards


-a console (wrapped in plastic)


-a relatively good box.


I bought a XEGS unit about a year ago on eBay that contained all of these items (and a 1050 DD) for $40US.

The best XEGS deals can be had from Canadian sellers. I get the feeling that the XEGS was a relatively big seller in Eastern Canada, and they're still relatively common. Canadian auctions also routinely end at lower prices than do their US counterparts; I think many Americans are leery of ordering goods from Canada, and sit out on these auctions.

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Thanks for all your input.


I have one with everything but possibly the warranty card + baggy that holds the system. I was going to sell it but seeing how big and bulky and not worth much, I don't know what I am going to do with it.... Sigh... To think I paid $150 for this mofo years ago.

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