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Whats that name again??


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Hi everybody!!!!

this is my first post whaaaaa :D

But I've got a question about a game on atari2600.

I forgot the name of a game on the atari. I'd played it a lot when I was a kid and now I can't find it anymore :sad:


I can't exactly describe the game but it was a game about a boy who has to walk over bridges all the time and then go into a house. And then over and over again. I thought it was called: nikky wanders but I dont think it's the real name so does somebody know what I'm talking about.


Looks like this....


[][][][]----------[][][] [[]]


ground bridge ground house



please help me get back my memories!!!!



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Whow Thanks for 2 fast replys!!!!!

It looks almost the same like Bobby Is Going Home.

Maybe it is the game (damn long time ago) but I thought when you're over 1 or 2 bridges There is a house and after you get the points you can go on to the next bridge but maybe I'm wrong


Is there a game that looks like Bobby is going home?



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ah cool!! but I don't have it :-( :-( do u know a site where I can see screenshots of the game? Or maybe the rom? Love 2 see it! Thanks!


Well, what about http://www.atariage.com/software_list.html...l?SystemID=2600 :roll: :ponder: or alternatively http://www.google.com ofcourse...


/me starts to rant about people being too lazy to use google, or other search alternatives mode>




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Well, what about http://www.atariage.com/software_list.html...l?SystemID=2600  :roll:  :ponder: or alternatively http://www.google.com ofcourse...


/me starts to rant about people being too lazy to use google, or other search alternatives mode>





I don't think its a case of being too lazy, I think maybe most people assume that since the fourm is name 2600, they can ask questions about the Atari 2600 and get answers. I mean I'm sure most people would rather search through google or one of the other internet search engines for hours looking for revelent information rather then asking a question here and getting a quick and revelent answer.


I'm sure you were new to AA once.

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Don't get me wrong. I think is perfectly ok to ask questions here :) I have no problems helping someone to identify some game or whatever question they may have. My 'rant' was about the second part of his question (about the roms or screenshots). Just use Google to search for 'Bobby is going home' or 'Lilly adventure' and you'll get lots of information about both games (in fact, the first link in both cases points to the AA database). In a few seconds he would have had all the answers he wanted, instead of waiting a few minutes for us to reply :D


Anyway, you weren't supposed to take my rant that seriously :P




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sorry 4 asking  :ponder:




Don't be sorry for asking! That is exactly what AA and the Forums are for. I don't post much, but I lurk alot. 99.9% of the people on AA are friendly and very quick to answer questions.


I think YOK-dfa was just trying to point out that there are additional resources (Google, Yahoo, Hotbot etc) on the internet that will have a plethora of information. (And yes, I did over react just a tad to his rant :D ). Also the forum search is a great way to dig up information as well.


Personally, I haven't found any site better then AA for information on Atari realted stuff.


But please, hang around. Don't be afraid to ask questions. And just remember, it all just 1's and 0's! :)

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ah cool!! but I don't have it :-( :-( do u know a site where I can see screenshots of the game? Or maybe the rom? Love 2 see it! Thanks!


Here's a zip file of the NTSC BIN Conversion Thomas Jentsch did. This game is also circulating out there in the form of a Pirate Cart in NTSC format. I picked one up a while back from an Ebayer from Mexico.


Welcome to the site, BTW :)


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Don't get me wrong. I think is perfectly ok to ask questions here :)  I have no problems helping someone to identify some game or whatever question they may have. My 'rant' was about the second part of his question (about the roms or screenshots). Just use Google to search for 'Bobby is going home' or 'Lilly adventure' and you'll get lots of information about both games (in fact, the first link in both cases points to the AA database). In a few seconds he would have had all the answers he wanted, instead of waiting a few minutes for us to reply :D


Anyway, you weren't supposed to take my rant that seriously  :P  





There is so much information out there about the Atari 2600, it can be overwhelming to someone just getting into it. Sure, I learned a lot about Atari by researching, but I also obtained a great deal of knowledge from the members of these forums, as I'm sure you have.


I've seen Lilly Adventure also spelled Lili Adventure and Lily Adventure on carts, BTW. :P :D

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I can understand what would incite such a rant. I have a few websites of my own dealing with various topics. My sites are fairly obscure, but I get email from people all the time asking me random questions that are marginally related to my sites.


The thing I always come back to in my mind when I get these emails is this: How did they find MY SITE but NOT find the answer to what they were looking for elsewhere?


For instance... I have a site for my college thesis, which was about John Coltrane and his jazz recordings of "My Favorite Things." The most common email I get from people about this site has nothing to do with Coltrane at all... it's people asking me for the LYRICS to the song! I simply cannot understand how they found my site but did NOT, before coming to me, already stumble directly upon the lyrics themselves. (I do think I know the answer, though: They just typed "My Favorite Things" into Google, instead of "My Favorite Things lyrics." :roll: )


Anyway... I have given up on ranting about newbies posting questions in these forums whose answers would be readily apparent to them if they explored the site first. Some people are like me and pore over the contents before delving into the forums, and some do the reverse, but neither is better. The best thing to do is just to kindly (or... not) inform them of the availability of the information here on AA.

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Lilly Adventure is a great little game, IMO, it's the second-best game of it's kind for the 2600 (not quite Pitfall II, but better than the first). . . One thing I wonder about it, though, was whether or not it was intended as a clone of Cabbage Patch Kids Adventure, since they are eerily similar . . .


I think he's talking about Bobby is Going Home, though, which is cool, but not as cool . . .


Thanks to emulation, I've discovered the world of PAL-only games, and damn, there's a lot of nice stuff Americans never got . . . About like every other system though, excepting the one that has really tiny libraries to begin with . . . US companies don't take any chances, especially currently . . . Even Sega's playing it safe now :(

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No offense, Ian, but it's sodding impossible to buy anything that you have got your sights on, you're the Jack Russell* of the UK atari scene.



*small, yappy dog which is used to chase rats and which, once it has got hold of a rat/bird/cat/my leg won't let go until you bash it on the head with a milk bottle

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