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5200 complete!


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Well, I'm done! At least....with the store released games....I got 'em all with the latest addition. Plus I have about a dozen or so repros too!

Now all I need to do is start on the homebrews. ;)


You'll have to excuse the pic. My camera sucks almost as much as my photography skills!


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I am happy for you. What were the hardest titles for you to get? For me it was ROTJ, Frogger II, and K-razy Shoot-Out. K-razy Shoot-Out was by far the hardest title for me to get. I had a pretty extensive collection from my childhood (50+ titles), so it wasn't as hard for me to complete as the Intellivision collection has been for me.

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I am happy for you.  What were the hardest titles for you to get?  For me it was ROTJ, Frogger II, and K-razy Shoot-Out.  K-razy Shoot-Out was by far the hardest title for me to get.  I had a pretty extensive collection from my childhood (50+ titles), so it wasn't as hard for me to complete as the Intellivision collection has been for me.


Hmmm...the only hard ones to get were that last 5 or so that I had to actively LOOK for. ROTJ, Frog2, & K-Razy seemed easy because back when I got those titles, I only had maybe 30, so if I won them (off ebay of course) fine, and if not I figured I'd wait until they popped up again. Bounty Bob was tough, I've only seen it (loose that is) twice in the past year. Believe it or not I had a tough time finding HERO (again, one of the last titles I needed). For some reason, every time it popped up it was in a lot of games I already had, and ended selling for some really high amount.

Actually, my last addition was Meteorites, which I saw you got a nice bin on you rat fink! (j/k) I paid more, but I'm happy just to have it.

I should have took time and snapped a better pic though...some of my faves you can't see well, such as Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr, and some other repros I've had made. The only homebrew I have is Combat2....those are the next "set" of titles I'm after...

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The only homebrew I have is Combat2....those are the next "set" of titles I'm after...


Of the homebrews currently out for the 5200, Koffi is definitely the best one.


It's interesting to hear what some of you had the greatest amount of difficulty acquiring. For me, the hardest 5200 related items to track down were Decathlon and the 5200 Carrying Case, but again, as with Mcgrail, I had a large instant library to start with, thanks to my wife's father.

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Yeah, I played Koffi via emulator. Cute game....I'll pick it up one of these days. I actually still don't have a trackball, how's that one?!?!?!?! Actually one is on the way though (via ebay).

I had a TB back when I originally had my collection. But, I lent the whole thing to my brother and when I for it back years later, some games and items were missing. The trackball was among the mia's. :sad:

I can't wait to play Centipede & Missile Command again with the TB.

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Koffi is a great homebrew, I look forward to Ron Lloyd's next effort, Adventure II, and I see that page was updated today! :)


The only title I need to complete my 5200 collection is Bounty Bob Strikes Back. I haven't really spent much time trying to acquire it, but I do need to get on the ball, as it's one of my favorite games on the system (although better when played with digital controllers.. Back in the day, I played and finished the game on my Atari 800XL).


Congrats on your collection!



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Sweet! 8)


You'll definitely want to pick up Koffi It's also my favorite of the homebrews! All are worth owning and pretty cool to play, I had a time at first getting Haunted House II to work correctly with my controllers, but I've got a few more options available now. ;) But I've enjoyed all for some time, Koffi gets the most play of them thou. It should be you're next purchase! :D


As far as hard to find games goes, I think for trying to get the boxes at least, HERO & Decathlon were both very tough.


Meteorites & BBSB although very rare, do come up whenever people need money :D So if you're patient they will come up and it's ebay insanity sometimes but you can get them. HERO & Decathlon thou, I just never would see by themselves. I ended up buying the boxs & docs separate for them, as well as Bounty Bob, because I took what I could find on all. K-Razy Shoot-Out I got from a collector, not on ebay, but it is quite rare loose or complete, although I balked on a seller for a while who had a case of them, he was getting over $100, maybe as much as $200 at first then down to $75-50 starting price. I kind of wish I had bought now, as my box is not mint condition, but it's not easy to find. :|


And Frogger 2 thanks to Rick's friend has become a little easier to find! :) I was very happy with the minty sealed copy when he first started putting them up on ebay.


ROTJ I see often as a loose cart, but it's much harder to find in the box. In fact one time I thought I'd found it, and the seller only had half the box! :lol: Good thing I never outbid anyone on that one.


But I think all of them can be found fairly easy, without counting the boxes. Boxes for most aren't too bad, especially compared to some of the other platforms. 2600 & Coleco have some way harder to find boxes & carts I would say. So the 5200 makes for a great system to complete, a small size of games, and not too many rares. Very much possible unlike those crazy 2600 collectors! ;)

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Well,  I'm done!  At least....with the store released games....I got 'em all with the latest addition.  Plus I have about a dozen or so repros too!

Now all I need to do is start on the homebrews.   ;)  


You'll have to excuse the pic. My camera sucks almost as much as my photography skills!


Why do you sleep with your games :?

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