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most common game, loose and boxed


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looking at cpuwiz' inventory made me recall an old question i had about what are the top most common atari games. pretty unscientific, but, here are inventory results from two sources on the web:



104 combat

84 space invaders

83 pacman

72 homerun

66 asteroids



23 combat

15 ET

14 berzerk

14 star raiders

13 asteroids


i'll have to go look at my own extras inventory, but i know that i had the most combat, plus asteroids and missile command were in the top five.


how about boxed games? i'm looking at the perspective of ...what are the most common boxed titles to show up in someone's collection from back in the 70s-80s. that's trying to look at the "used" market rather than the "new old stock" perspective, which the OShea's stock really overshadows (you probably find more ebay listings for a shrinkwrapped battlezone than you will a shrinkwrapped combat).



11 combat

10 asteroids

8 pacman

6 space invaders, breakout, casino


those numbers though are probably close to being too small a sampling to be statistically profound. from my own collection these are approximately what i have:


25 combat

15 missile command

8 asteroids

8 berzerk

8 pacman


anyone have other data or similar numbers? i bet some of the ebay power sellers or retailers could provide some numbers on their used stock.

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Bizarrely, in my experience, the 32-in-1 cart is the most common in Europe, as it was packaged with all the juniors.

Certainly Juniors are by far the most common 2600s in Europe, and myself I have 4 or 5 32-in-1 carts, yet, only 2 or 3 Combats.


That's not to say Combat is rare, but look at how many Ataris are on sale on eBay.de with "32 spielen"....

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ok, now that i've posted that, here is another thought:


what is the most common label, and what is the most common box?


i remember an article in the 2600 connection that had been written by one of the people at atari2600.com regarding the various combat labels. out of a sampling of about 100 combat, one of the "made in taiwan" text labels was the most common. anyone have that article handy...what was the percentage? well, let's just guess that 50% of the combats are this common variety. if we apply that percentage to the 4jays data above, that means that there are 52 "made in taiwan" combat label variety.


space invaders has several different label variants also (text w/taito TM, text w/o taito TM, black pic, silver, gray, red). homerun has several different text and pic labels. pacman has at least three variants (see atariguide.com). i bet that all of the 66 asteroids in 4jays inventory are the same label (the silver label is fairly uncommon). so maybe, the asteroids black pic label is the most common label variation you are likely to find in someone's collection or in some thrift store.


how about the most common box? i'll have to check my combat boxes. i think more than half are the one shown on atariage. most of the missile command boxes of mine have the white warranty box on the back.


anyone else have numbers for boxes...anyone have more than ten of a single box style for any other game (again, used boxes not including new old stock)? i have more than a half dozen coleco donkey kong boxes that are all the same. other manufacturers typically did not have the same amount of variety in box styles as atari did... probably because they did not make 2600 games for the same number of years as atari.

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