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Dead Trak-Ball


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Well, I finally got a trak ball for my unit.....seller said it worked when he sent it, but it magicially stopped working when it arrived. :ponder:

The start/pause/reset/kepad and fire buttons work, but when I roll the ball nothing happens!

I took the casing off and cleaned a bit...the ball rolls great, the rollers move nicely, but nothing.

Any ideas????

I emailed the seller who responded and asked what I want to do. I told him a refund would be in order I think! But, if anyone might have a guess as to if this can be fixed I'd rather get it working and keep it.


Here's the link to the auction. Seems like a good seller, but it doesn't look much like he is an Atari person. Probably bought it from a yard sale and they told him it worked....


http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...e=STRK:MEBWN:IT :roll:

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Hmmm.....all these views and nobody knows what the problem might be...????   :ponder:    

O well....the seller offered a refund.  But I'm back in the market for a (cheap  :D )  5200 trackball.  Anyone got one for sale/trade?


The trackball section not working could be caused by a lot of things, bad or loose connector (as someone else suggested), broken pin in the connector, bad chip on the circuit board inside the unit, etc.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually sent it back and the seller refunded the $$ (In fact, he gave me an extra $5 to cover shipping which was nice.

A fellow AA member (gunstarhero) gave me a sweet trade deal. :thumbsup:


Now I have a working trackball! I love it! I forgot how aweseome Centipede is with da ball!

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Thanks for the thumbs up jetset...right back at ya on a great trade :thumbsup:  


Now you need to buy a Millipede repro from the AA store, it's even better than Centipede I think. It's just got more to do, and its not as ridiculously hard as Centipede is.


Ha! I already have Millipede actually! It's definetly 10X better with the TB. the best part is my wife is now playing (Centipede that is....Millipede is too much for her) Definetly an all-around better experience with the TB on those games....Missile Command also of course! I can't believe I waited this long to get one! Thanks again man!

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