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"Buy two GameCube games and get Zelda disc"?


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Keep in mind that the offer isn't just "buy two Nintendo games"... it's buy two of: Mario Kart Double Dash, 1080 Avalanche, Mario Party 5, or Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Other games are NOT eligible for this offer.


There are other ways to get the disc as well, such as subscribing to Nintendo Power, or getting it as a pack-in with a new system.



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Keep in mind that the offer isn't just "buy two Nintendo games"... it's buy two of: Mario Kart Double Dash, 1080 Avalanche, Mario Party 5, or Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Other games are NOT eligible for this offer.


There are other ways to get the disc as well, such as subscribing to Nintendo Power, or getting it as a pack-in with a new system.




And you also have to register your Gamecube system online in addition to buying the 2 games, so you are screwed if your Cube is already registered.


I just signed up for the offer earlier this week and got an email a couple days ago saying that the Zelda disc has been shipped, so the offer is still available (for now). I even had to buy my PIN numbers from someone for $10, but I'd rather do that than pay $20 to subscribe to that shitty Nintendo Power magazine or pay $40 for a Zelda disc on ebay.

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Keep in mind that the offer isn't just "buy two Nintendo games"... it's buy two of: Mario Kart Double Dash, 1080 Avalanche, Mario Party 5, or Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Other games are NOT eligible for this offer.


There are other ways to get the disc as well, such as subscribing to Nintendo Power, or getting it as a pack-in with a new system.




And you also have to register your Gamecube system online in addition to buying the 2 games, so you are screwed if your Cube is already registered.


I just signed up for the offer earlier this week and got an email a couple days ago saying that the Zelda disc has been shipped, so the offer is still available (for now). I even had to buy my PIN numbers from someone for $10, but I'd rather do that than pay $20 to subscribe to that shitty Nintendo Power magazine or pay $40 for a Zelda disc on ebay.


Dont forget your local game reseller. I bought the Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master's Quest for $14.95 (GameXchange), and the Zelda collection for $19.95 (GameStop).

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I've got something interesting to add to this mix as well. I was just up at Toys R Us today. And I didn't see any of the Cube/Zelda packs. However, what I did see what at least a half dozen of the Zelda collection taken from the cube packs and being sold in the case seperate from the systems?! And the price was the scariest part. I kid you not and I even asked about this. The price was listed for the Zelda Collection disc at $69.99!!! I asked about the packin Cubes and was told that they (Toys R Us) didn't have any left, but they had a few of these Zelda Collection disks left for the price stated. Is this even remotely legal for them to do this?! I am looking at my Zelda collection case right now and it clearly states on the bottom "Not for Resale". :x


Any ideas on this one?


I am just glad I picked up mine with the Cube for $79.99 at Wal-Mart after Thanksgiving!

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Not sure about the used bit. But the ones in the case at Toy R Us weren't used. They were still shrinked. Again, I was just shocked that they had them there, but weren't still offering the Cube/Zelda bundle together. What I think must have happened is that TRU was told to stop selling them from someone and so they took the remaining Zeldas out of the left over cube bundles, and decided to just repackage the cubes in a standard box and sell the Zeldas seperate. That way they didn't have to worry about inventory and could still make a very nice penny off the left over stock they do have.


It just shocked me to see a big chain like TRU selling these outside the box. We thought Ebay was bad...



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I've got something interesting to add to this mix as well. I was just up at Toys R Us today. And I didn't see any of the Cube/Zelda packs. However, what I did see what at least a half dozen of the Zelda collection taken from the cube packs and being sold in the case seperate from the systems?! And the price was the scariest part. I kid you not and I even asked about this. The price was listed for the Zelda Collection disc at $69.99!!!  I asked about the packin Cubes and was told that they (Toys R Us) didn't have any left, but they had a few of these Zelda Collection disks left for the price stated.  Is this even remotely legal for them to do this?! I am looking at my Zelda collection case right now and it clearly states on the bottom "Not for Resale". :x  


Any ideas on this one?


I am just glad I picked up mine with the Cube for $79.99 at Wal-Mart after Thanksgiving!


Only $69.99? Thats a steal. Best Buy was charging $99.99 for them a few weeks ago. When I asked the girl at the register why it was so high, she looked at the game for a few seconds and said "oh, there are 4 different games on here, thats why". I said no new game costs that much, no matter how many games are on it. I tried explaining to her that they were probably supposed to be given away to people that buy a Gamecube system. She says "No it's not. It says on the front here that it's a Collectors Edition. Thats why it costs so much, it's a collectors edition."


Fucking idiot.

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Okay...but how do they not notice where on the front of the case of the Zelda Collection it clearly states "NOT FOR RESALE"?


That means...you can't sell it. I didn't check my local Best Buy to see if they were pulling this stunt or not. But tomorrow I will find out since I have some ink cartridges to get for my printer.

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I asked about the packin Cubes and was told that they (Toys R Us) didn't have any left, but they had a few of these Zelda Collection disks left for the price stated.


From what I've heard, Nintendo sent stores both the pre-bundled Gamecubes, and a stack of loose discs... these loose discs were intended to be pack-in's with whatever 'cube's they already had in stock (which otherwise wouldn't come with any games at all).


I imagine either they didn't realize what they were for, they forgot, or they're trying to profit off of them. My guess is that it's definitely illegal to sell the loose games, and you could probably report them to Nintendo of America... whether anything would happen, or whether you'd even be able to get in touch with NOA is a question best left to the philosophers.



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The question of whether it is "legal" to sell the discs is actually a lot more complicated than is being stated. Just because Nintendo gave them to a store for one purpose and said they were "Not for Resale" doesn't mean it's illegal to sell them. It may be unethical but not illegal. It's not like the case of a promo CD that states "must be returned upon request". Technically, those still belong to the company that gave them away and can't be sold by anyone but that company.


In the case of something like this, it is related to the concept of the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP). The key word here is "Suggested". The law clearly states that a company cannot tell a retailer how much (or how little) to charge for an item. That is "price fixing". If Nintendo sells a retailer a game for $30 and says it should sell for $49.99, the retailer is under no obligation to sell it for that price. They can sell it for $49.88 (Wal-Mart), $45.99 (BJ's Wholesale) or $54.99 (EB Games) if they want to. Most likely, the loose Zelda discs were sent on an invoice with a $0.00 cost. But they *will* have been sent on an invoice and legitimately shipped to the retailer. The MSRP in this case is $0. But they can sell it for whatever they want to, legally.


Now, there may be a contract of some sort that would make selling them illegal, but that's unlikely (I don't think any retailers would agree to such a thing). Also, opening packages to remove product and sell it separately would be illegal, but that is also very unlikely (although clearly possible). The bad press (and image in the industry) a retailer would get for this practice would more than outweigh the relatively small income generated.


As for selling them used, there is absolutely no way for a company to restrict the sale of items like games, movies, etc. on the secondary market (even at a retailer that also deals in the primary market). Companies have tried and failed, so there are precedents in law making the secondary market perfectly legitimate. That is the reason those promo CD, etc. have the "property of" notices: to indicate that they aren't really giving them away at all, just "loaning" them.


My gut feeling is that any store selling Zelda discs that haven't been traded in (therefore on the secondary market) is guilty of unethical, but not illegal, behavior.

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Now, there may be a contract of some sort that would make selling them illegal, but that's unlikely (I don't think any retailers would agree to such a thing).


Isn't that the trush - especially a company like BEST BUY. Retailers really do have consumer goods companies bent over a stick. If Nintendo complained that Best Buy was selling the Zelda discs, Best Buy could counter with ... "fine .... have someone else carry your GameCubes and software".


Only the hottest of hot products have any leverage since against the retailers. Nintendo hasn't really had that type of power since the NES/GameBoy and when they tried to leverage it, companies like Toys R' Us complained to the US trade commission.


Retailers have almost all the cards.


"Want us to carry your product over the thousands of other we get offered? Give us this price point. Pay for ads in our flyers every week for the next year ... at a cost of $35,000 an ad. Buy endcaps at the end of our isles at Christmas, March Break, the summer, boxing day ... at a cost of $80,000 an endcap. If it doesn't move the number of units we want, you're going to pay for additional "manufacturer rebates" to get the price down - even it essentially means selling the product for below your cost-of-goods. And - we reserve the right to send it back whenever we want ... at no risk or obligation."


Tough market.

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one more question can someone else use your pin on their account and it work??? what im asking is is the pin number for say DOUBLE DASH the same in every one you buy???


No. But if someone guessed your number before you entered it in, then you would have been SOL. I've heard some people have checked rental stores, and found the pins in cases there on the shelves wrote them down & did it that way. :ponder:


I've got a Cube & Mario Kart DD, I'm thinking about Mario Party 5 right now but I'm not sure. I plan on buying this week, before it gets to late and the deal ends so I can get in on the free Zelda. :)



@high cost of NFR discs, I always thought it was because they were NFR. SO they put a stupidly high price on the shelf, and no one in their right mind would buy it LOL BB does this all the time on NFR items, the Gamecube preview disc from a few months back was priced $39.99 a demo disc! When TRU & Circuit City had it both for $9.99 This was actually to be given away to new Gamecube owners when they bought the system. And I've seen other bonus items, and freebies that get these high prices, it does keep people from buying atleast.. :ponder:

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I have access to practically as many pin numbers as I want...! :P The only reason I don't make use of this power is that there's hardly ever anything worth buying with the stars - the good stuff's always sold out. :x That and I already have 2 boxed copies of the collectors edition and one that came with my Cube/Mario Kart bundle. :)

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I have access to practically as many pin numbers as I want...!   :P  The only reason I don't make use of this power is that there's hardly ever anything worth buying with the stars - the good stuff's always sold out. :)


Where is this star-redemption store??? I've searched all over that fucking website and didn't see a damn thing. I went to the Store section and all I could find is a list of stores where to buy games from. Thanks for the hot tip, Nintnedo. I had no idea Best Buy sold Gamecube games :roll:


Don't tell me I have to buy another game to "unlock" the feature on the site.

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