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"Buy two GameCube games and get Zelda disc"?


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By registering your system and your games via Nintendo's online product

registration, you have qualified to receive the following:



The Zelda Collector's Edition discs are currently on back order. We will

begin shipping again the week of January 26, 2004.


You will receive another e-mail from Nintendo once your order has been

shipped to you.




:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Where is this star-redemption store???


Have you registered? I tihnk you get 200 stars for registering. Then go to your profile and look around.


Yeah, I'm registered. I also registered my Gamecube and 2 GC games but I don't see anything about stars by my profile or items that I can get. I do have the Zelda disc being shipped out to me...maybe when I get that, I loose all my stars? That website makes no sense to me.

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I haven't the faintest idea, as both Gamestop and EB Games remove the shrinkwrap from new games around here and keep the discs in little jewel cases behind the counter.


I wouldn't buy my games from them then! When I buy my games new I want them shrinkwraped!

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The Zelda Collector's Edition discs are currently on back order.  We will begin shipping again the week of January 26, 2004.


Back order? That sucks... I'm glad I got mine when I did (In fact, it just arrived a couple of days ago... I'm not going to really get into it until I finish Wind Waker though... I hate leaving games unfinished). I guess the Christmas rush hit them harder than they expected.



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The fact that they're saying "backorder" and not "while supplies last, you lose" is pretty cool to me; maybe the limited edition won't be quite so limited ;)


I hope Nintendo goes beyond this "bonus disc" mentality eventually and releases an "N64 Collection". Of course, all I really want from the N64 on my Gamecube at this point that I don't already have is Mario 64 (probably on a bonus disc for whatever Mario 128 eventually becomes) and Bomberman 64 (not a Nintendo title anyway.)

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Nintendo has been talking about a backwards compatible console for a while now, implying that they'll be releasing something that plays N64 and SNES games... if this ends up happening, it's possible that they might stop releasing N64 ports on the Gamecube, choosing instead to simply keep selling actual N64 cartridges rather than give away classics as a mere bonus.


Of course, this all remains to be seen.



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Nintendo announced that they're going to be releasing a new system in North America... it's not intended to be a next-gen or portable system (so it's not the N5, or Gamecube 2, or next Gameboy or anything like that), and they've hinted that it will be backwards compatible. It's also been confirmed that it's NOT the iQue (the iQue is for China only). That's pretty much all the information they've given out, aside from one of Nintendo's presidents saying something about how he wasn't expecting people to be very impressed with it (whatever that means).


They are supposedly going to unviel it when E3 comes around.



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I hope it has 8-bit nes support. I just boxed up all of my NES stuff so I can just use a flashlinker with my GB player eventually to save space, and all of those f'ing cables. I hope this is really true, cause I've been wanting to get a SNES for a while now. I might be willing to give the N64 a second chance, I really wanna play those old Lucasarts PC games they made for it

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Actually, it would make a weird kind of sense for Nintendo to put out something similar to but incompatible with the iQue in the US: NOA has to be watching how many of those Mega Happy Joy XIII pirate games in a joypad have been selling (I just ordered my second one) and selling a real Nintendo product with much better specs, 2 or 3 builtin games and the ability to buy more games cheaply might be just the thing in a down economy.


Not that I want to get off-topic or anything, but I've been visiting a lot of stores with videogames lately and it's feeling a bit like January 1984. There are a few hot games, and racks and racks of cheap closeout type stuff. BJ's Wholesale has literally hundreds of $15-18 PS2 stinkers. My local independent game store closed at new year's. The EB Games employees are waiting for the hatchet to drop. I can't really cry too much since I'd usually rather buy videogames on half.com or something, but it doesn't feel like the US videogame industry is doing all that well (aside from Nintendo's apparent comeback from near-death - there are a lot of first-party GCN titles that can't be had at any price around here.)


Of course, in the middle of all of this CompUSA still wants $49.99 for Super Mario Sunshine. :D

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Not that I want to get off-topic or anything, but I've been visiting a lot of stores with videogames lately and it's feeling a bit like January 1984.  There are a few hot games, and racks and racks of cheap closeout type stuff.  BJ's Wholesale has literally hundreds of $15-18 PS2 stinkers.  My local independent game store closed at new year's.  The EB Games employees are waiting for the hatchet to drop.


You'd think they would have figured out there are just too many consoles, too many games, and not enough first adopters to support a $50 pricepoint on every new title, but apparently the industry still hasn't gotten the hint yet. It seems like we inch a little closer to a second "crash" every day.

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It seems like we inch a little closer to a second "crash" every day.


People always talk about the possibility of a second crash, but I don't think it'll happen. The industry is so large now that you can't really compare it to the gaming industry of the 80's... it would probably be more appropriate to compare it to the movie industry. There are tons of bad movies released every year, yet no one ever thinks of the movie industry crashing, since there are enough good movies there to keep it going.


The same is true about video games... although there is tons of crap, there is enough good stuff coming out all the time that people will stay interested. Plus, I think people are generally much better at recognizing bad games for what they are. I don't think anyone buys "Big Rigs" or "Deer Hunter" games thinking they're going to be game-of-the-year material.


There will be contractions where bad developers will fail and go bankrupt, but we'll never get rid of Activision and EA... they're here to stay.



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There may not be a full scale "crash" like the early 1980's, but I do think some big heads are gonna roll before it's all said and done. Who is it gonna be? I can't say. But some retailers will fold, some publishers will vanish, and some products will be relegated to the bargain bin. Unfortunately if any console maker will suffer, it's Nintendo. Microsoft can go on losing money forever, and Sony has been and remains #1 almost unshakeably, which leaves us GameCube afficianadoes getting squeezed out in the middle.

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