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the worst games ever


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I was wondering what you guys think is the worst games EVER for the 2600. you know, bad control, bad graphics, all that rolled into one. something that can't be fun no matter what you do. one of my friends wants some roms... I consider this a small way of getting revenge.... :twisted:


just post the id link to the game. I'm finding some but I still got some space left on this disk. so, which ones are the worst?

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Well, there's always Waterworld . . . And Pizza Chef . . . And Sssnake . . . And the original Football . . . And Karate . . . And Pick and Pile . . .


Actually, I don't think Mythicon's Star Fox was all that bad . . . Of course, it's always seemed like a Chopper Command hack to me . . . Perhaps they borrowed some good code.


The other two suck, though . . .


But the ultimate, if you can find it . . . (it is out there, although it's not on AA)




Make him play that sucker with his head sideways. :)

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Overall, I think Warplock is the worst 2600 game--sub-standard game concept, pitiful graphics, and that aggravating siren!


At least the Mythicon games are colorful.


I second Warplock - IMO It has the worst sound of any 2600 game, and thats saying something. When I first plugged it in I thought there might have been something wrong with it :ponder:

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The fact is, the vast majority of the titles released for the 2600 suck. But the 10%-20% that are really good are timeless classics.


(FWIW, before I get attacked here... I think most other systems with large libraries have an even worse classic-to-suck ratio.)


That said, rather than picking on easy targets like Mythicon and Froggo, I suggest ruling out the manufacturers whose very names are synonymous with "unadulterated C.R.A.P." and focus on the really sucky games made by companies that mostly made good games.

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The fact is, the vast majority of the titles released for the 2600 suck. But the 10%-20% that are really good are timeless classics.


(FWIW, before I get attacked here... I think most other systems with large libraries have an even worse classic-to-suck ratio.)



That said, rather than picking on easy targets like Mythicon and Froggo, I suggest ruling out the manufacturers whose very names are synonymous with "unadulterated C.R.A.P." and focus on the really sucky games made by companies that mostly made good games.


Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crap.


This definitely holds true in gaming as well. Actually, I'd argue for the NES perhaps having a slightly better ratio due to all the good sequels to good games it had . . . But every other system with a large library, no.


Crap games from good manufacturers:


Ummm, Star Ship, Laser Blast, Donkey Kong Jr. . . .

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Casino and Blackjack are pretty sad.


What's so sad about Casino? It plays fine, at least on hardware . . . I mean, heck, it's a card game for the Atari 2600 made in '79 and it's probably only 2K to boot.


Sad compared to, say, GTA or Tony Hawk, maybe, but not to most of the other horrid things mentioned in this thread.

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