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Can a non-working cart be fixed?


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Hi guys,


Is it possible to fix a non-working cartridge? I have a couple of cartridges that doesn't work and I notice that these cartridges have rattles inside.


I am tempted of opening the carts up coz I don't have anything to lose, they're broken anyway. I just thought maybe the rattles are caused by something on a cart's PCB that was loose and maybe putting it back will make the cart work again.


Any ideas? How do you "properly" force open a cart anyway?




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Hi guys,


Is it possible to fix a non-working cartridge? I have a couple of cartridges that doesn't work and I notice that these cartridges have rattles inside.  


I am tempted of opening the carts up coz I don't have anything to lose, they're broken anyway. I just thought maybe the rattles are caused by something on a cart's PCB that was loose and maybe putting it back will make the cart work again.  


Any ideas? How do you "properly" force open a cart anyway?





What brand of games are they? Different anufacturers used different cases.

Regarding fixing the games, usually the best fix is to clean the cart edge with rubbing alcohol and Q-tips. If the ROM chip is actually dead you may or may not be able to replace it with an EPROM.



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What brand of games are they?


One of them is the XE-line silver cart (game is One-on-One). I'll try the rubbing alcohol fix and see if it works. I also read from somewhere that a rubber eraser also fixes problems with carts but I haven't tried them yet.

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What brand of games are they?


One of them is the XE-line silver cart (game is One-on-One). I'll try the rubbing alcohol fix and see if it works. I also read from somewhere that a rubber eraser also fixes problems with carts but I haven't tried them yet.


Yes, if the rubbing alcohol doesn't work try the rubbber eraser.

From what I recall the XE carts had a screw under the label. I don't have one in front of me at the moment though so my memory could be faulty.



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However, I have opened up several carts of all manufactures and have found not only glue, but also plastic from the inside of the cart as some edges are worn and in some often cases...Solder beads that have fallen off the PCB. I have mainly encountered this on Intelly carts and in several of my Genesis carts. The good news is that I know why a game won't work when I see this...the bad news...I don't always know where that solder bead broke off at!!


One time I came across a Castlevania II cart for the NES with a broken off resistor inside. I simply cleaned it up a bit, resoldered the resister back in place, and Simon's Quest came up and still works to this day.

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