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Combat Cannonball Run anyone??


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Here is an update: Ed and Myself have had extremely wierd schedules. One Ed is ok (THANK GOD). Two the holidays are over. This one can start slow and develop with well thought out ideas from everyone. The 01 COMBAT Cart for those of you who know, mirrors Milkman's COMBAT traveling cart idea. I do have a website I could revive in honor of this?




I wouldn't want to start anything without ED or the old volunteers that wanted to jump in on this. The 01 Combat has departed my residence and is with Ed. Ed what do you think?? Let's wait for Ed's reply to this and see where this goes from there. If Ed says bury it, I won't persue this any further.


(I put a list of original volunteers down below and a place for everyone to re-read the old Cannonball Thread) @bjk7382 :No cheasy music on the site above (just generic recorded wav file from an emulator).


:idea: :?:


"GLOBETROTTER" Postcarts, Web Page Is Up!!!-Gateway



Combat cart to travel worldwide...wanna help? -TheMilkman



COMBAT CANNONBALL RUN- Ed Siegler & Atari Troll

original thread



Last known volunteers..in no special order

Will have to re-collect addys again.

(still pending Ed's post here)





Lost Monkey

Mr.Foodmonster (re-volunteered)







NovaXpress (volunteered) can get a couple porn actresses :lust: (clothed) or metal bands :music: to pose with it. He's serious


possibly marco?? [/b]

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Here is an update: Ed and Myself have had extremely wierd schedules. One Ed is ok (THANK GOD). Two the holidays are over. This one can start slow and develop with well thought out ideas from everyone. The 01 COMBAT Cart for those of you who know, mirrors Milkman's COMBAT traveling cart idea. I do have a website I could revive in honor of this?




I wouldn't want to start anything without ED or the old volunteers that wanted to jump in on this. The 01 Combat has departed my residence and is with Ed. Ed what do you think?? Let's wait for Ed's reply to this and see where this goes from there. If Ed says bury it, I won't persue this any further.


(I put a list of original volunteers down below and a place for everyone to re-read the old Cannonball Thread) @bjk7382 :No cheasy music on the site above (just generic recorded wav file from an emulator).


:idea: :?:


"GLOBETROTTER" Postcarts, Web Page Is Up!!!-Gateway



Combat cart to travel worldwide...wanna help? -TheMilkman



COMBAT CANNONBALL RUN- Ed Siegler & Atari Troll

original thread



Last known volunteers..in no special order

Will have to re-collect addys again.

(still pending Ed's post here)





Lost Monkey

Mr.Foodmonster (re-volunteered)







NovaXpress (volunteered) can get a couple porn actresses :lust: (clothed) or metal bands :music: to pose with it. He's serious

Gateway (volunteered)

possibly marco??

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I might be interested in volunteering for this. Does the game cart have to be photographed in a local town or can I take it 20 miles away to Frankenmuth? My tiny village of Fostoria is so small it doesn't have anything that'd put the village on the map. Not even a sign welcoling driver to Fostoria.


OTOH the year round christmas store Bronner is a nice place to go to if you're feeling Christmasy but it's not near Christmas time.

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You can take hand it over to bigger brother, have them do wierd experiments to it, then leave the game out in the middle of nowhere

to find its way home (Joke-LOL) :lol:


All kidding aside, Its your choice. I would still like to see Ed Siegler reply

to this. We have different schedules and all. But Yes, Once he says press forward with this, then the ground rules will be paved as this kicks off.


Cheers 8)

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Sorry about the absence folks. I was back to the doctor's as a result of some things that arose from my accident.


Anyhoo, I have taken several pictures of the game myself and am ready to mail it out. The origional plan was to send it over to Marco to get a continental trip out of the way, and then back to MegaManFan.


I'm gonna PM Marco and see if he's still up for it. If not, it'll go right to MMF.


Any concerns anyone?

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Ed and everyone: Do you want the website to be the home of this one??




Minus startup noise??


If not, what would be the next logical choice for webhosting??



Like Al Bundy once said,"Lets Rock"


Cheers 8)

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UPDATES: As you know the game has traveled from KS to PA from its tour Kick off back in Nov 2003. Course the Combat 01 has had its ups and downs so the game needed a break (as in life like we always do). The game is recharged with a new attitude. Thanks to those who have re-volunteered. I am following Ed's lead with this one. I can advise rule changes but am not the rule maker. Can some of you reply if you still want the link below to be the home webpage or does it need a fresh start?? Replies welcome. Cheers.




"GLOBETROTTER" Postcarts, Web Page Is Up!!!-Gateway



Combat cart to travel worldwide...wanna help? -TheMilkman



COMBAT CANNONBALL RUN- Ed Siegler & Atari Troll

original thread




CPUWIZ (re-volunteered) 8)



Lost Monkey

Mr.Foodmonster (re-volunteered)





bjk7382 (will take combat wav file off site if he doesnt like)


NovaXpress (volunteered) can get a couple porn actresses (clothed) or metal bands to pose with it. He's serious

Gateway (volunteered)

Susuwatari (thinking about it)


Possibly marco (Ed is attempting to make contact with) Start from a different part of the Globe!

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Am I ever gonna get this cart ?  :ponder:  :D


Settle down Beavis!


Got the word from Marco. Combat is on it's way to Holland. From there, Beavis will get it. So, it goes from Kansas, to Pennsylvania, to Holland, to California. Get it off right.


Only requirement is that you take a handful of pictures of it. I'll setup another email address to get the pictures mailed to.

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Glad you got MARCO. Mileage we need mileage! jk


Ed: Want to use this webpage (link below)???? Suggestion: You review pics, email them to me and I will post the mileage, pics, & distances traveled on the site?? Thoughts??





Cheers :D

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There is no driving involved in this one. Pretty simple rules or guidelines for it. When you get it, you take a few pictures with it, preferably with you in it if possible, or some around your house, whatever strikes your fancy. Once done, you email me the pics, and mail the game on to whomever is next. Either the Troll or myself will provide you with whom to send it to.


Troll - Good idea. We'll go with your site plan!

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@Ed: Yes I did (No offense was intended)


Here is an updated list


* means 01 Combat has visited the following

** enroute to the next person


Atari Troll*

Ed Siegler*



Names that are waiting:




Lost Monkey











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