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Compairing the Commodre 64 with an Atari 8 bit Computer

Atari Charles

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Thanks for the info TMR, downloaded most of the mentioned games (couldn't find cyberwing).


www.cosine.org.uk since i coded it... =-)


I guess it's also matter of taste, I wasn't so impressed and would say it doesn't sounds superior to the pokey (but it sounds different).


Well, depends on what y'trying to do sound-wise, generally there's more flexibility to the SID with four waveforms, a large number of possible pulse width settings, filtering, ring modulation and so forth...


I also downloaded dropzone to compare the sfx (dropzone because it think both versions make good use of the machine capacities). There is a quite minor difference between the sounds but I would prefer the a8 version (explosion and sound during the level is imho better) maybe some of you like the c64 sound more.


i always preferred the C64 for that filtered boom when the player dies... One sound i really like is the player death from Task III because it used to shake the damned room when i had the bass up on my amp. =-)


What I really liked was Armalyte, it's a fun game :)


Armalyte is class, and Enforcer looks and plays damned good as well. =-)

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Well, depends on what y'trying to do sound-wise, generally there's more flexibility to the SID with four waveforms, a large number of possible pulse width settings, filtering, ring modulation and so forth...

POKEY isn't exactly inflexible either. At least 4 distortion types (been a while since I programmed it) -- some of which sound remarkably like SID's waveforms -- adjustable clock frequencies, poly counters, and high-pass filters.


Seems like POKEY's distortion settings are better for game effects than SID's waveform settings, which are more suited to music. They're perfect for engine sounds, among other things. Heck, I'd like to hear how the launch sequence on the C64 version of Rescue on Fractalus came out.

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POKEY isn't exactly inflexible either. At least 4 distortion types (been a while since I programmed it) -- some of which sound remarkably like SID's waveforms -- adjustable clock frequencies, poly counters, and high-pass filters.


i dont think you have a picture of HOW flexible the SID is. for example, the SID doesnt need to have adjustable clock frequencies because the 16 bit frequency registers offer the full frequency range you want for music and sound effects already while being still at such a high resolution for smooth portamento.

i will not discuss the waveforms because that's more or less matter of taste and matter of "being used to that", but i WILL point out the absolute superiority of the SID filters. they are as flexible as filters can be. you have 12 bit to tell the filters which cutoff frequency they should have, you can select if you want to have high-, low-, bandpass filtering or any combination of that (for example, combining high- and lowpass will result in bandreject filtering). you can configure the filter resonance with 4 bits and finally you can select which of the four sound channels (3 sid voices + audio in) should be filtered.

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POKEY isn't exactly inflexible either. At least 4 distortion types (been a while since I programmed it) -- some of which sound remarkably like SID's waveforms...


i'm getting a little confused, first the POKEY distortion waveforms sound like the SID ones (they sound like certain pulse width settings) and then you say...


Seems like POKEY's distortion settings are better for game effects than SID's waveform settings, which are more suited to music.


...if those sounds are similar, why is one suddenly more suited to effects...? i think it's a case of what people are used to, i've heard some excellent effects out of both machines and i've heard some total garbage too.


They're perfect for engine sounds, among other things. Heck, I'd like to hear how the launch sequence on the C64 version of Rescue on Fractalus came out.


Badly, but that's because the sound on Fractalus for the C64 is weak overall and that's hardly unusual for a port; compare the music to Thrust or Last V8 on the C64 and Atari and the latter sounds rubbish, but it's not down to the POKEY. Then, if you fancy a laugh, have a look at the Amstrad CPC version of V8. =-)

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i'm getting a little confused, first the POKEY distortion waveforms sound like the SID ones (they sound like certain pulse width settings) and then you say...

I said only some of them sound SIDish. Most of them don't. It's an ideal mix.


And why should I compare the sound effects in Fractalus to the music in Thrust? Just can't get away from thinking of it as a music chip, eh? :P

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And why should I compare the sound effects in Fractalus to the music in Thrust? Just can't get away from thinking of it as a music chip, eh? :P


i was generalising about crap sound conversions, not asking for a direct comparison... =-)

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i think it's a case of what people are used to, i've heard some excellent effects out of both machines and i've heard some total garbage too.

That's the point let's end the discussion here


Speak for yourself, i'm going to be difficult and end it over there [points] so neah! =-)

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what do you think of this:




the TMC music is nicely done. did anybody knows who has converted the track?


(run the ik092 with more than 64kb and stereo enabled)


i think it's bloody nice and i'm wondering if there's any news on it's progresss 'cos i don't think the site's changed much for a while now...?

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This is probably a stupid question, but what's the point of porting International Karate to the Atari when it's already released as World Karate Championship?


International Karate (1986) was done on the Atari first anyway and then ported to the C64 but IK+ (1987, called Chop 'n' Drop in the US) wasn't converted to the Atari until this version; it supports three players at once with two humans and a computer player (or three human on the Dreams Gold version released a few years ago) has only the one background which changes over time and animates and there's a remix of the soundtrack.

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(...) then you see that they used pm overlays for the 2nd and 3rd fighter... imho unneccessary as you could use the 5th colour in charmode?


There would be some colour bugs if one of the fighters overlayed the second one, that's why two P/M overlays are used. In IK Archer MCLean also used a P/M overlay for red fighter.


This is probably a stupid question, but what's the point of porting International Karate to the Atari when it's already released as World Karate Championship?


World Karate Championship is actually an NTSC version of IK.



The Guy who Knows Everything 8) ;)

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