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F-18 Hornet Box Question


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I recently won a boxed copy of F-18 from eBay and when it arrived yesterday I was AMAZED at the size of the box Absolute packaged the game in. First time I've ever had a boxed Absolute title and didn't know they came this way.


Are all the Absolute titles boxed in these oversized boxes? Almost looks like they made one box for all versions of a game, whether computer or console, to save costs.


Just curious.



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I seem to recall that yes, Absolute did use the oversized boxes on all their 7800 releases. I don't know about the 2600 releases...but as you stated, it appears that one box was used for all types so I would imagine this to be yes.


This is part of the reason why my Absolute boxes for my Hornet and Super-Skateboardin games were tossed. They didn't fit well in any space of my room that I could fit them in.

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