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810 disk drive


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Does anyone know why some of my disk games appear to not work on my 810 drive with my 130XE?


I know that the disks may be shot but I am trying to rule out any other reasons like maybe the drive only handles games that are a certain size or something. Some games seem to only half load or the sprites go all crazy but are still partially controllable etc..


Are some drives capable of handling larger sized disks and conversley do some larger sized games not work on older disk drives like the 810?

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That is correct. The 810 is single density only. But most commercial software was released as single density to take this into account.


Also, some games may not work without loading the Translator disk first. That swaps out the newer OS that the XL and XE machines use...and replaces it with the older OS that the 400/800 used.


What games?

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So, I need a translator program that allows the XE to process games via the 810 because it thinks that it is sending to an 800 which has a different OS that wont properly read XL/XE games. I could just get a better drive too, eh?


Yeah.. I just picked up a DOA XF551 but if I could get that to work I would be in business. Otherwise, I need a translator or a newer drive like a 1050 or something.

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Nono...you had the first part right, but the reasoning wrong.


At the end of the computer's memory, there is a jump table that consists of addresses to jump to when the computer needs to perform something. People who made programs didn't need to locate the actual addresses of routines that did the functions like fetching a keyboard character...they would just JSR to the table instead - and the instruction at the table would jump the the right address. This solves the problem of if the OS ever needed to be changed or updated. But not all programmers used the table. So once the OS had been updated in the XL machines, those programs no longer would jump to the correct addresses (because the memory had shifted around a bit).


The solution is to have a copy of the 400/800 OS on the disk. The XL disables it's rom OS and loads the disk into the underlying ram memory. This has 2 effects: The first is that the computer now "thinks" that it is an Atari 800 with all of the routines back in the original locations...so if you load in a program that isn't using the jump table, it won't matter - the program will end up at the intended target.

The second effect is that the OS now resides in ram...allowing people to alter it :) A nice little side-effect for hackers :D


See http://www.atariarchives.org/mapping/appendix18.php


The type of drive you have makes no difference to the Translator.

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I discovered that the 65XE is actually what part of the equation that is problematic. The games all work fine. That was cool to find that out. I picked up some great games. For whatever reason, the disk games wont load properly onto the 65XE. All games seem to crash after the attract screen.


The good news is that they all load fine into my other 65XE and my 130XE but just not on this other 65XE I have. Some sort of harware damage obviously but I have no idea what it is. Cartridge games work perfectly but just not disks.. Does anyone know what would cause this to happen?

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