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My theory is that he's got multiple personalities, unfortunetly they're all Robsterman!


Either that or he's using the Royal We. Maybe he's royalty?


Long Live King Robsterman! King of the largest empire of crap no one cares about.



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Do we really need to do this???


What is it with you two dweebs? Do you have a desire to ruin things for other people? Are you both so anal that you cannot accept anyone's ideas other than your own?


The reason why I suggested the non-destructive posts is because either of you cannot hack getting ratted on.


What you two loser choosers do is rank on people, and when they rank on you back, you both get all pissy, and start whining to the admin, begging for him to remove me from your board, so as not to hurt your itty bitty feelings.


Also, I honestly don't know what bug crawled up either of your a$$e$!!! You seem to feel that if someone does not agree with either of you, they are wrong.


And as for that site, it is interesting to note that since I left it, it has become boring to say the least. Hearing your tiny band of yokels spout the same tripe gets rather boring indeed.


Seriously, neither of you are all that and a bag of chips. You think you are, and that is pathetic.


As for why not use the DP guide, it is incomplete, to say the least. Personally, I think it is an insult to charge $12.95 for a book that is not complete in the least. In addition, there are flaws and contradictions within the book.


And believe it or not, there are people who like to hear ideas from other people besides you.


As for my list being out of date, as I have stated, it is a work in progress. On the other hand, in its infancy stage, it has more information than anything else out there.


Here's my suggestion: rather than fighting each other, we should all work together. We each know things about this system that nobody else does. Rather than make this into a pissing contest, we should post what we know, and see what we can create.


One stereotype about programmers is that they are anti-social dweebs. When people read what you guys are doing, I can see why they feel this way.


So, rather than ruin this site as well, by making it a back-and-forth ranking page, I am stepping above this immaturity.


We've already shown that we can rank on each other. And if this is still your way of doing things, more power to you.


I still think it would be interesting for you both to post what you know. As much as we may not like each other, we should respect how the other feels.


We have a choice: we can either continue to put one another down. Or, we can work together to make this thing work.


The Robsterman is stepping above the fray. The question is: Are you?


De Colores,



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Personally Robsterman I haven't got a thing against you in the least. I simply ingnore most of the items that get posted. The only thing that I notice is that I sometimes don't always agree with your (Very VERy short reviews) on some of the games...ie...Solaris...


And also...Tempest has a point in that a lot of the info that you post has been or is being done in other places. Maybe not here but they do exist. I can understand and you have the right to always add to current media no problem from me here. However, do you really feel that it was needed to post ALL the games in that single post?! How long does it scroll down for the rest of you?! Anyway, I really don't need to get involved with this either.


I simply am and HUGE Fan of Atari systems and the games for them...


This is my home to discuss these things...and so I will get along with everyone here.

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Oh lighten up! The reason we rag on you is because in your previous posts you've done nothing but post useless information and make fun of others. According to you every other list out there is incomplete and you have the only lists worth looking at. I hate to tell you this but an aditude like that get's people pissed off at you.


You try to come off sounding like your so much above us, but your not. It takes along time to build a reputation in such a close knit community as this. After 3 years I think I've finally earned the respect of most of my collecting peers through a mixture of humor, hard work, and helping out where I can. Throwing to together a list and telling everyone that it's the best and everything else is wrong is a sure fire way to get on everyone's bad side. Telling long time collectors like Joe Santulli who have done so much for the community that his page is full of errors and that the DP guide is crap will also get you the cold shoulder from just about everyone (including me).


I guess it's all about class Robsterman, and you don't have it...


Sorry if I sounded a bit self righteous there, this has been bothering me for a long time. I've said all I'm going to say on this matter.




[ 05-04-2001: Message edited by: Tempest ]

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Fair enough!


OK - I admit that my reviews are a bit on the short (a.k.a. vertically challenged) side. I think that is the humor in them.


Ah well, some people get it and some people do not.


Also, considering that I have over 500 reviews, if I spent time writing a lengthy review for each game, I would have a book indeed!


As for some of my previous posts, I guess your opinion of their usefulness differs from someone else's. I talk to quite a few collectors and the biggest gripe with them is that there is not ONE source where they can acquire all information.


The Tempest label list is decent. For those who are into label variations, it is a great source of info.


That's what I am trying to do. What pisses you off about me works the same way over here. You brag about your web site. You post your URL. And when people give you some honest criticism, you get all nutty.


Which is a bit whacko to me.


Crossbow makes an excellent point. From now on, I will provide a link to the MOST COMPLETE ATARI 2600 list out there. That way, the people who want to see it can see it, and those who don't will not.


Now, to reply to Tempest's statements...


"According to you every other list out there is incomplete and you have the only lists worth looking at."


Not exactly. I never said that my lists were the only ones worth examining. In fact, your lists are prime sources for my own.


However, it is a fact that my list is the MOST COMPLETE one out there. There is no need to be jealous.


What I propose is that we all band together to create the ultimate list. That way, we can say that we have the most complete list.


Until that day happens, until there continue to be incomplete lists out there, someone has to lead the pack.


"It takes along time to build a reputation in such a close knit community as this. After 3 years I think I've finally earned the respect of most of my collecting peers..."


You are taking this way too seriously. For me, the Atari 2600 is a hobby. Nothing more. Nothing less.


And I think it is refreshing to have a variety of opinions.


What might help you out in your close-knit community is asking yourself where differing opinions fit. Because in real life, people who are clones of each other, who think the ame way, make life boring real fast.


You have to admit, whether you liked or hated me, what I wrote compelled you to want to read. Also, if you look at all of the people who quoted what I wrote, ask yourself why.


Do I have an ego? Of course I do. We all do. However, do I have a superego? Of course not.


Remember that just because my opinion differs from yours, it does not mean that it is any better or any worse. Just different.


"Throwing to together a list and telling everyone that it's the best and everything else is wrong is a sure fire way to get on everyone's bad side."


Well, some list has to be the best. The ultimate source. The one that people go to. What I find to be incredulous is that there is not one complete Atari 2600 cart list out there.


And so, I set out to create this.


And I understand where you are coming from. You see something out there that is better than what you have done, and I can see why you get jealous.


What I offer is for you to join me in my quest to make the most complete Atari 2600 list out there.


"Telling long time collectors like Joe Santulli who have done so much for the community that his page is full of errors and that the DP guide is crap will also get you the cold shoulder from just about everyone (including me)."


I don't even know who Joe Santulli is. I've never insulted him personally.


However, if he is the one who has written that DP guide, I have never insulted that book either.


All I said was that it was incomplete. And that my list is more complete than his.


What I said was factual. And if you take it to be insulting, well, that's your take on it.


If I am wrong, if my list is not the most complete out there, show me one that is. ANY LIST. Show me a cart list that has a more complete listing than mine.




Here's the bottom line. No list, including my own, is 100% complete. Not yet, anyway.


Now, I can guarantee you that in a few months, I will have a complete Atari 2600 list.


The question is who will join me toward creating greatness?



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There's the aditude again. You instantly assume I'm jealous of your list because I bashed it. I've got one thing to say to that, HA!


>>. In fact, your lists are prime sources for my own.


If your talking about the Label Variations List, please notice the big ass copyright notice at the bottom. Please don't use any information on that list with first asking my permission.



>>However, it is a fact that my list is the MOST COMPLETE one out there. There is no need to be jealous


Can you be anymore pompus? It's statments like this that piss people off. Hello, Mc Fly! Is any of this getting through to you?



>>And I think it is refreshing to have a variety of opinions.


I never stated otherwise.



>>However, if he is the one who has written that DP guide, I have never insulted that book either.


Uh, wrong! You said worse things than it was incomplete. Your comments might still be on the DP board if anyone wants to go digging for them. I don't.



>>And I understand where you are coming from. You see something out there that is better than what you have done, and I can see why you get jealous.


There's the aditude again. What makes you think your the ultimate reference to all things Atari? You've got some ego there. BTW, I never made or stated that I had a complete list of 2600 carts.



>>Until that day happens, until there continue to be incomplete lists out there, someone has to lead the pack.


And it ain't you trust me.



I give up. I've wasted enough time on you. I don't feel like fishing through your message and pointing out why people don't like you. It's fairly obvious, I think your comments speak for themselves.


You'll excuse me if I don't turn to you for my Atari information.



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Rather than make this into a fight forum, the Robsterman will rise above this childish behavior.


I have contacted Tempest directly to handle this situation.


As for those of you who are anti-Robsterman, yes, I have a large ego.


And I say to you this: prove me wrong. You get upset that I mention that I have the MOST COMPLETE Atari 2600 Cart List out there.


Find a CART LIST that is more complete than mine.


The Robsterman talks. You talk. The Robsterman takes action. Do you?


Because if you can't -- if you cannot find a cart list that is more complete than mine, then what I say isn't a boast.


It is a fact.


The Robsterman has the MOST COMPLETE Atari 2600 cart list out there.


Enough talk!


Prove me wrong!

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Excellent point!


Marco makes an excellent point. However, realize that these are all different games, in and of themselves. As an example, if the same game has 10 different names, I list all of the names. However, I only count the game one time.


Those 1500 titles are misleading. They do not represent 1500 different games, but rather 1500 different titles for games.


In reality, there are between 500 and 600 different games for the Atari 2600 system.


Like I said, if you know of any games that I did not include, feel free to either e-mail me or list them below.





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Okay...so I was cool with this Robsterman and his antics until I started to read some of the Digital Press postings?!


Robsterman, You sir suffer from major bouts of Delusions of Grandeur...


As for your reviews if you mean for them to be humoruous...then this is the first I have heard mention of it. As for the whole technical writer bit, I want to know how that skill and knowledge goes into your reviews or for that matter anything that you have posted so far online for us to read (and gawk at)!


I do reviews for 2600 games myself for a rather known emulation site and I don't claim to be the end all know all of all that is Atari. You have done this...I cannot blame either Digital Press, Tempest, nor anyone else whom you have offended for being ticked at you. I am ticked off at you now after having read that stuff myself!


I am all for equal opinions etc on message boards. But the Robster did cross the line several times over there. The worst part about it is that I feel he is only doing this for the negative attention he is getting. It may be negative...but he is getting the attention none the less and that may be precisely what he is aiming for.


In the future Rob...I suggest that you keep your personal comments about others in check unless you expect flames to come back at you. Because that is just what will happen.


This place was created by the masters of the Nexus because they are providing a service to us all with the scans, roms, emulators, news, and general Atari info they provide.


I would rather not see this tarnished with lame postings such as what I read over at the Digital Press boards.


Okay...crap...I am done here...






JoseQ's Emuviews

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Looking at the stuff that went down at DPG, it might be wise to ban robsterman from ALL message boards. I'm fed up with it myself. The LONG, meaningless, rambling, insulting, uninformed posts! Enough is enough!


Please Robsterman, do not flood this board with your crap now that you don't have the DPG board to go off on your long diatribes. And don't even touch Tempest. I can't possibly think of anyone else who deserves more respect on these boards. If you're going to post, keep it a 100 words or less. Please!

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I think Tempest is right - this 'robsterman' definitely seems to have a split personality, or a very short memory. I just read some of the threads on DP involving him - it's no surprise to me why Joe banned him (he didn't simply "leave" - he was kicked out), and I'd be willing to bet my whole collection that it wasn't simply because he slagged the site or the guide book. The guy really seems to enjoy stirring things up for no apparent reason, and I see the same thing happening here. People like that are referred to as "trolls", which is exactly what this character is, and exactly what AA doesn't need.

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Oh, this is too much. I have to post the little message that Robsterman left me. Oh, and Robsterman if your reading this, never e-mail again. I don't appreciate you spamming my mail box with your 2 year old crap.


The message (>> proceeds my comments):



Hey Tempest!


You really should look at your posts before you start dissing other people.


First off, check the dictionary for what pompous really means. I can back

up what I say. It's not bragging if you can back it up.


>>Ok professor Robsterman. According to Webster's:


>>Pompous - having or exhibiting self-importance.


>>I think this describes you quite well.



Second, on the Atari Age site, I never even contacted you. All I did was

post my list. YOU were the one who decided to put your smart-ass remarks

out there.


>>I never said otherwise.



Let me refresh your memory..


"So now your telling us what we can and can't say? You've got some nerve

And who the heck is WE? Do you speak for the whole collecting communtiy now?

I guess getting kicked off the DP board didn't teach you anything..."


"Why would we want a list of roms you don't own? What's the point of that? I

think you'll go down in collecting history as the annoying guy who made

lists that nobody wanted..."


I wasn't even referring to you, and here you are flapping your gums. YOU

start crap with other people, and then you get all pissy when they throw it

back in your face.


>>Uh, I think the comment:




>>was aimed at all the people who have delt with you before. Usually people don't have to plead with people not to bash them unless they've got a reputation.



I even tried to mend the fences between us by complimenting some of what you

have done. But, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You still had to open your trap.


>>Every so called compliment you've made to me has been two-facaed and follwed up by an insult. You were never serious, your comments give you away.



If you don't like what I have to say, then by all means, don't feel

obligated to respond to it. But, if you do respond to it, expect people to

jump back at you.


>>I have to right to respond to any message on this board. You also have the right to post all the idiotic comments you want. I never said otherwise. Just don't expect me to sit back and not respond to your babbling.



As for my so-called attitude, if you don't like it, you can stick it where

the sun doesn't shine. I never asked you to approve of or disapprove of my



>>So elegantly put. How old are you? So people never grow up I guess.



And yes, you are jealous. If you weren't, then you wouldn't care what I

wrote. But every time I write something, you have to throw your little

condescending opinion in there. Each time, you feel the need to put your

two cents in.


>> I put my two cents in to each of your posts because I can't sit back and listen to your crap. Jealous? Of what? Yeah, I really wish I hada the ability to piss everone off in a single post. There's something to be jealous of.



And yet, you can't back up what you write. I keep saying that my list is

the most complete out there, and all you do is whine. And I challenge you

to find a list that is more complete than mine. And yet, you can't do this.


>> Uh, it's called the DP guide. I've pointed this out before yet you seem to be ignoring it. The truth hurts eh?



And you say I write worthless stuff? Well, what have you and your cronies

written? You say that my stuff is not original? What about your stuff?

OOOH - a label list - one that has been done time and time again.


>>I never claimed the label list was original. I told everyone I took it over from the previous owner (I'm honored he had faith in my abilities). Actually, this is one of the only label lists that exist. It's generally the one that everyone uses, unless you have one (and I'm sure you do) :P



Can you copy anyone a little more? HMMM Can you?


>>What the heck is your problem? Did you eat lead paint a s a kid?



For your information, I have a dynamic IP address at home. That means that

I could log onto that pathetic site I was banned from anytime I want to.

But, look at what is on there since I left. Nothing. Lame old crap. And

still people post replies to topics I wrote weeks ago.


>>Ooo a dynamic IP. Did you take a 2 week introduction to computers course to learn all your "technical knowledge"? Do you even know how networks work? Do youself a favor and quit geting your information from Time magazine articles.



I don't see anyone writing replies to what you write. What do you do? You

spend all of your time creating something that has already been created.

How stupid can you be.


>>Ok, I'll speak more slowly this time. I AM UPDATING THE LABEL VARIATIONS LIST. I never claimed to be creating a new list. And isn't that exactly what your doing? Making a list that's already been done? Hwo stupid can YOU be?



On my end, I am creating something that has never before been made. And

don't even get me started on that anal DP guide. It is a sham.


>>No one has ever made a 2600 cartridge list? You could have fooled me. The DP guide a sham? Do you even know what the hell your talking about? Maybe you should stop while your ahead.



And I say to you this: prove me wrong. You get upset that I mention that I

have the MOST COMPLETE Atari 2600 Cart List out there.


Find a CART LIST that is more complete than mine.


>>I believe I've already done this. It's called the DP guide. Why don't you actually buy one instead of ripping on it. If you don't like the DP guide, what about the fine list this site has? I think you need to re-examine your list before you start making such ludicrous claims.



The Robsterman talks. You talk. The Robsterman takes action. Do you?


>>And we really wish you'd stop talking.



Because if you can't -- if you cannot find a cart list that is more complete

than mine, then what I say isn't a boast.


>>I've already addressed this 3 times. Your getting repetative.



It is a fact.


The Robsterman has the MOST COMPLETE Atari 2600 cart list out there.


>>It's a fact your an idiot. What the heck are you smoking?



Enough talk!


Prove me wrong!


>>I believe I just did.



I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't appreciate getting e-mails like this. Keep all the arguments on the board, don't try and threaten me where no one else can see. Don't ever e-mail me again.


BTW, that doesn't apply to everyone else. Just Robsterman.


Do the world a favor Robsterman, go crawl back under the rock you oozed up from. We don't need crap like this clogging up the message board.


Vindication is sweet. Thanks for proving my point.



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I can't believe how blind you people are! Robsterman is a genius, I tell you, a genius!

Robsterman's incredible database of 2600 Reviews is the best thing to happen to classic gaming since 2600 E.T.!


Just to prove it, I have pulled a random sampling of Robsterman's glorious 2600 reviews, pulled from his very own website, plus a few comments of my own. These are Robsterman's ACTUAL 2600 REVIEWS!




Not a bad game of golf, if you like the sport, that is, which I don’t.



---An incredible insight!


Ms. Pacman

If you are a fan of Ms. Pacman, you will love this game. It has everything you could want from the arcade classic. As for me, I was never a big fan of Ms. Pacman. Still, it is one heck of a game.




If you are a fan of Joust, you will love this game. It has everything you could want from the arcade classic. As for me, I was never a big fan of Joust. Still, it is one heck of a game.



Junior Pacman

If you are a fan of Jr. Pacman, you will love this game. It has everything you could want from the arcade classic. As for me, I was never a big fan of Jr. Pacman. Still, it is one heck of a game.



---Notice the stunning variety of the reviews, and the masterful use of vocabulary!


The Empire Strikes Back

This game is an accurate version of the ice battle of Hoth. Also, stay alive for two minutes, and the Force will be with you.



---I must get this game! I simply can’t wait to experience “an accurate version of the ice battle of Hoth”, whatever the hell that is. I didn’t know the 2600 could duplicate movie visuals.



The worst Karate game I have ever seen. Having taken Karate, I felt inclined to give it some rating; therefore, I did not score this a 10/100.



---Robsterman, poet laureate and black belt. It appears that Robsterman adds 10 points to any game based on any activity he has done himself.


Killer Satellites

A Defender clone that has a down-home look and feel. A joy to play.



---I long to experience the “down-home look and feel” of this winner.



As an Italian, I find this game, of a mama feeding her bombino, offensive. Plus, it sucks.



---I am shocked and outraged by this sucky offensive game starring an Italian bombino!


Marine Wars

Not a bad submarine shooting game, but not a good one either.



River Patrol

The sound and graphics are cheesy. This came could have been a lot worse, but it could also have been a lot better.



---Notice the clarity and concise decisiveness of both of these incredible masterpieces.


Miner 2049’er

Not a bad game with ol’ Bounty Bob, but the gameplay is a bit crude.



Miner 2049’er, Volume II

The sequel is decent, but this game, still starring ol’ Bounty Bob, is a bit crude.



---An astounding comparison of these two classics.


Omega Race

Not a bad translation to the Atari 2600. The only fault, and this is because of this limits of this console, is that it is horrible to thrust and fire.



---A simply amazing study in grammar and sentence structure.



A great rendition of the Arcade game, only I was never a fan of the arcade version either.



---Screw this game! Robsterman didn’t like the arcade version!



Not a bad game. As Taz, you must eat hamburgers, while avoiding dynamite. It gets boring quickly. Also, the gameplay is a bit rugged.



---I try to avoid any game with “rugged gameplay”.


Alligator People

Not a bad prototype, but with development, this game could have been better.




A bit repetitive, but a decent prototype.



Submarine Commander

Not a bad prototype, but the game gets boring very easily.



---My curiosity about these rare prototypes has finally been satisfied with this trio of in-depth, concise, and informative reviews. Unlike many scam artists who only CLAIM to possess prototype games, it is clearly obvious that Robsterman really owns these rare games!



This version of the classic game has horrible graphics and gameplay. Atari could have done better than this.



---Here I am, stupidly thinking that Sinistar was an unreleased game. Robsterman has a production copy!



This game is abysmal. The view is confusing, and so will you be when you play this game.



---I will avoid this game, as I will be confusing when I play it. Hell, I’m confused now.



The name alone is worth a ranking of 90. Throw in a decent game of tank decimation and base destruction, and you have one helluva game!



---I was wondering how Robsterman came up with these ratings... Genius! Screw gameplay, how does the name sound?



Horrendous gameplay, and there are too many other great Atari racing games out there.



---Thanks for letting us know about all the great ones!



I loved this game in the arcade, but the gameplay here is impossible. Atari could have done better with this game.



---Here I stand, amazed at my own ignorance! I had NO idea that Atari was the publisher... I thought all along that it was Parker Brothers! Silly me!



A horrendous game with pathetic joystick controls. Also, the graphics are disproportional.



---Gotta hate those “disproportional” graphics.


Smurfs: Rescue from Gargamel’s Castle

As a fan of the Smurfs, the Atari 2600 game leaves a lot to be desired. Still, the gameplay is good, the music is faithful to the TV show, and the pace is decent. Challenging? I don’t think so. Not bad, but not very good either.



---I was not aware that an Atari 2600 game was a fan of the smurfs. Amazing grammar! His skill as a “technical writer” is unsurpassed.


Strawberry Shortcake

This game is abysmal. You have to match this hairy twit’s sp she does a little dance. Uggh!



---A shining example of clear and concise writing ability!



Swordquest: Earthworld

The problem with the Swordquest games is that they are impossible to solve. Also, there is not enough game, and too much puzzle. A letdown.



Swordquest: Fireworld

The problem with the Swordquest games is that they are impossible to solve. Also, there is not enough game, and too much puzzle. A letdown.



Swordquest: Waterworld

The problem with the Swordquest games is that they are impossible to solve. Also, there is not enough game, and too much puzzle. A letdown.



---I especially enjoyed this amazing in-depth comparison of all the games in the Swordquest series. Why did you leave out Swordquest: Airworld? I’m absolutely certain you own the prototype


Raiders of the Lost Ark

This game plays like my farts smell.



---Ok, Ok, I made that last one up. Robsterman actually said that Raiders of the Lost Ark is better than Pitfall and gave it a ranking of 100/100. I can’t believe how I misjudged THAT winner.



You certainly have more reviews than anyone I know, and they are so complete and informative. I know that anytime I have a question about a 2600 game, I can go to your glorious website and read a facinating, in-depth review that will clear up all my questions and concerns.


Thank you, Robsterman, THANK YOU!!!

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Come on guys!

Robsterman does mean well, I dont think its fair for us all to fall out over this.

What i say is this, is you dont like his reviews, dont read them..If you dont like his posts..dont read them.

Dont all have a go at him for his views.

I respect everyone in the Atari field inc all your guys and read all your posts..we dont want this site and its message board turning sour do we?


With respect,


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I actually never went after him for his reviews. Yes they're stupid, but if he want's to keep churning them out so he can boast he has over 500 reviews that's fine.


My main problem with him is his aditude. He comes across like he's doing something unique and new and then starts telling everyone how all other sources of information are crap compared to his wonderful list. He tries to pretend he's all nice and meek on this board, but his true past can be seen on the DP board. There's a reason he got banned, and it wasn't for disagreeing with other people's opinions, don't let him feed you that line of crap.



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Hello All!


So far, as you may or may not know, I am working on the most-complete list of Atari 2600 games.


This list is by no means complete. However, it is pretty informative.


Anyway, here is my most recent list, as of May 4, 2001.


Duplicate names of the same game are included on the same line.




If you have any additions to this list, please let me know.


Also, I will be releasing in the near future a list of games that have a seconday name, but I do not know what that name is.


Also, I will be listing names of games fow which I do not own the ROM.







Atari 2600 Games




3D Tic-Tac-Toe

Acid Drop

Action Man / Action Force (variant to G.I. Joe – Cobra Strike)


Adventures of Tron / Adventures on GX-12

Air Raid

Air Raiders


Air-Sea Battle / Target Fun

Alice’s Abernateur


Alien’s Return

Alligator People

Alpha Beam with Ernie


Aquatak / Fisher Price / Scuba Diver


Armor Ambush

Artillery Duel


Asterix / Taz

Asteroids / Asteroids II

Astro War


Atari Video Cube / Video Cube


Atlantis / Krieg Der Stern / Strahlen der Teufelsvoegel

Bachelor Party

Bachelorette Party


Bank Heist / Benk Heasst / Fancy Car


Base Attack

Basic Math/Fun With Numbers

Basic Programming




Beany Bopper

Bearenstein Bears

Beat ‘Em and Eat ‘Em


Bermuda Triangle


Bi! Bi! / Ungeheuer der Tiefe (variant of Sea Hunt)

Big Bird’s Egg Catch

Bionic Breakthrough



BMX Airmaster

Bobby Is Going Home / Bobby Geht Nach Hause / Bobby Geht Heim

Bogey Blaster


Boom Bang / Kampf dem Steinfresser (variant of Crackpots)


Boxing / Boxen

Brain Games

Breakout / Breakaway IV

Brick Kick


Buck Rogers – Planet of Zoom


Bugs Bunny

Bump ‘N’ Jump

Bumper Bash


Burning Desire


California Games

Canyon Bomber

Carnival / Festival / Schiessbude

Casino/Poker Plus

Cat Trax

Cathouse Blues



Challenge of … NEXAR

Chase the Chuckwagon


China Syndrome

Chopper Command / Spy v. Spy

Chuck Norris Superkicks / Super Kung-Fu

Circus Atari / Circus / Super Circus

Clock / Video Time Machine

Clown Down Town


Code Breaker

Coke Wins

Col ‘N’

Combat / Tank Plus / Frontline

Combat Two


Commando Raid

Communist Mutants from Space

Condor Attack / Year 1999 / Galactic


Congo Bongo

Cookie Monster Munch / Cookie Monster Crunch

Cosmic Ark / Alien Force / Black Hole

Cosmic Commuter

Cosmic Corridor

Cosmic Creeps

Cosmic Swarm


Crash Dive

Crazy Climber

Crazy Valet

Criminal Pursuit

Cross Force


Cruise Missile

Crypts of Chaos

Crystal Castles

Cubicolor / Cubo Magico

Custer’s Revenge

Dancing Plate / Dishaster

Dark Cavern

Dark Chambers

Dark Mage

Deadly Duck



Defender / Earth Attack

Defender II (variant of Stargate)

Demolition Herby

Demon Attack

Demons to Diamonds

Demons! (variant of Phoenix)

Desert Falcon

Dice Puzzle

Dig Dug

Dodge ‘Em/ Dodger Cars


Donald Duck’s Speedboat

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr.


Double Dragon

Double Dunk

Dragon Defender

Dragonstomper / Excalibur

Dragonfire / King Arthur


Duck Shoot / Kampf um die Schatzinsel

Dukes of Hazard

Dukes of Hazard, Volume II

Dumbo’s Flying Circus

E.T. – the Extra Terrestrial / E.T. Go Home

Earth Dies Screaming


Eli’s Ladder

Elk Attack

Encounter at L-5


Entombed / Name That Game

Escape from the Mindmaster


Exocet / Radar / Space Eagle

F14 Tomcat Flight Simulator

Fantastic Voyage

Farmyard Fun

Fast Eddie

Fast Food / Der Vielfrass

Fatal Run


Final Approach


Fire Birds / Scorpion

Fire Fighter / Save Our Ship / S.O.S.

Fire Fly

Fire Spinner

Fishing Derby / Angling

Flag Capture / Capture

Flash Gordon



Frankenstein’s Monster


Frog Pond


Frogger (official Sega version)

Frogger II: Threedeep!

Frogs and Flies

Frontline (variant of Combat)

Frostbite / Der Kleine Baer

G.I. Joe – Cobra Strike

Galaga (variant of River Raid)


Game of Concentration / Hunt and Score / Memory Match

Gangster Alley


Gas Hog


Ghost Manor


Ghostbusters II


Glacier Patrol



Gopher / Farmer Dan


Grand Prix /Autorennen


Great Escape


Grover’s Music Maker





Hangman / Spelling

Harbor Escape

Haunted House

Hole Hunter

Holy Moley

Home Run/ Baseball

Human Cannonball / Cannon Man

I Want My Mommy / Apples and Dolls / Teddy the Apple

Ice Hockey

Ikari Warriors

Immies and Aggies

Indy 500 / Race


International Soccer


IQ 180

James Bond 007


Journey Escape


Jr. Pac Man

Jungle Fever

Jungle Hunt



Kamikaze Saucers

Kangaroo / Canguru


Keystone Kapers / Wachroboter Jagt Jupy / Hey Stop!

Killer Satellites

King Kong


Knight on the Town

Kool-Aid Man


Kung-Fu Master

Lady in Waiting / Lady in Wading

Laser Blast

Laser Gates

Led Zeppelin Demonstration

Lochjaw (variant of Shark Attack)

Lock ‘n’ Chase

London Blitz

Lost Luggage






Marine Wars


Mario Brothers

Master Builder

Masters of the Universe

Math Gran Prix / Corrida de Matematica

Maze Craze / Maze Mania / Puzzled World / Labyrinth

Mega Boy

Mega Force


Meteor Defense

Midnight Magic


Miner 2049’er

Miner 2049’er Volume II

Mines of Minos


Miniature Golf / Arcade Golf

Miss Piggy’s Wedding

Missile Command

Missile Control / Robot Fight / Raketen-Angriff

Mission 3000 A.D.

Mogul Maniac

Mondo Pong


Montezuma’s Revenge: Starring Panama Joe

Moon Patrol

Moonsweeper / Resgate Especial

Moto Laser

Motocross Racer


Mountain King / Mountain Man / Winterjagt

Mouse Trap

Mr. Do!

Mr. Do!’s Castle

Mr. Postman

Ms. Pac Man / Miss Pack Man

Music Machine

My Golf

Night Driver

Night Stalker

Nightmare / Stuntman

No Escape!



Ocean City Defender


Off The Wall

Off Your Rocker


Okie Dokie

Omega Race

Open Sesame

Oscar’s Trash Race

Othello / Chess

Outlaw / Gunslinger / Gangster

Out of Control



Pac 2600

Pac Man

Panda Chase / Der hungrige Panda


Party Mix


Pele’s Soccer / Pele’s Championship Soccer / Championship Soccer / Soccer


Pete Rose Baseball

Phantom Tank

Phantom UFO

Pharaoh’s Curse

Phaser Patrol

Philly Flasher

Phoenix / Fire Bird

Pick ‘N’ Pile


Piece O’ Cake

Pigs In Space

Pitfall! / Pit fall / Dschungle Boy

Pitfall II: Lost Caverns

Pitfall II Plus

Planet Patrol

Plaque Attack


Pole Position


Pooyan / Die Ente und der Wolf



Pressure Cooker

Pressure Gauge

Private Eye

Pro Wrestling / Title Match Pro Wrestling

Pyramid War / Wuestenschlacht



Q*Bert’s Qubes


Quest for Qunita Roo

Quick Step / Hoppy / Kwibble


Rabbit Transit


Radar Lock

Raft Rider

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Ram It



RealSports Baseball

Realsports Basketball

RealSports Boxing / Super Box

RealSports Football

RealSports Soccer

RealSports Tennis

RealSports Volleyball / Volleyball

Rescue Bira Bira (PG-13 variant of Jungle Fever)

Rescue Terra I

Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes

Riddle of the Sphinx

River Patrol

River Raid

River Raid II / Katastrophen-Einsatz

Road Runner

Robin Hood

Robot Tank

Roc ‘n’ Rope

Room of Doom


Salt Diagnosics

Save Mary

Save Our Ship / S.O.S.

Sea Hawk

Sea Hunt / Fishing

Sea Monster


Secret Agent

Secret Quest

Seesaw (variant of Circus Atari)


Shark Attack

Shootin’ Gallery

Shooting Arcade

Shuttle Orbiter

Simon / Video Simon


Sir Lancelot


Skeet Shoot

Ski Hunt

Ski Run


Sky Diver / Dare Diver

Sky Jinks

Sky Patrol

Sky Skipper

Slot Machine / Slots

Slot Racers / Maze

Smurf Rescue in Gargamel’s Castle

Smurfs Save The Day

Snail Against Squirrel

Sneak ‘N’ Peak / Sneak N’ Peek

Snoopy and the Red Baron

Solar Fox

Solar Storm



Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Space Attack

Space Canyon

Space Cavern

Space Invaders / Amanda Invaders / Atari Invaders / Beast Invaders / Better Space Invaders

Space Jockey

Space Raid

Space Robot / Robot Fight

Space Shuttle – Journey into Space / Space Shuttle

Space Tunnel / Weltraum Tunnel

Space War / Space Combat


SpaceMaster X-7

Spider Fighter / Spider



Spike’s Peak

Spitfire Attack

Springer / Videospiele


Spy Hunter

Squeeze Box


Stampede / Rodeo Champ

Star Fox

Star Gunner

Star Raiders

Star Ship / Outer Space

Star Strike

Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator

Star Voyager / Space Voyager

Star Wars: Ewok Adventure

Star Wars: Jedi Arena

Star Wars: Death Star Battle

Star Wars: The Arcade Game

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back / Star Warrior

Stargate (variant of Defender II)

Starmaster / Cosmic Avenger


Stellar Track


Strategy X

Strawberry Shortcake Musical Matchups

Street Racer / Speedway II


Stunt / Stunt Cycle

Sub Scan

Submarine Commander


Suicide Mission

Summer Games

Super Baseball

Super Breakout

Super Challenge Baseball

Super Challenge Football

Super Cobra

Super Ferrari

Super Football


Surfer’s Paradise: But Danger Below! / Surfing

Surf’s Up

Surround / Chase

Survival Island

Survival Run

Sweat – the Decathlon

Sword of Saros

SwordQuest EarthWorld

SwordQuest FireWorld

SwordQuest WaterWorld


Tanks But No Tanks

Tape Worm


Task Force

Tax Avoiders

Taz / Asterix





Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This Planet Sucks / Rescue #




Time Machine / Great Escape / Asteroid Belt

Time Pilot

Time Race

Time Warp

Tom Boy / Dscungle Boy (variant of Pitfall)

Tomarc the Barbarian

Tooth Protectors

Towering Inferno

Track and Field


Trick Shot / Billiard

Tron Deadly Discs

Tuby Bird / Vogel Flieh (variant of Dolphin)

Tunnel Runner



UFO Patrol

Universal Chaos

Up ‘n’ Down



Video Checkers

Video Chess

Video Jogger

Video Olympics / Pong Sports

Video Pinball / Arcade Pinball

Video Reflex


Walker (variant of Clown Down Town)

Wall Ball

Wall Defender / Breakdown



Winged Warriors / Wing War

Winter Games


Wizard of Wor

World End / Laser Base

Word Zapper

Worm War I





Yar’s Quest

Yars’ Revenge


Zoo Fun / Aufruhr im Zoo


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So now your telling us what we can and can't say? You've got some nerve And who the heck is WE? Do you speak for the whole collecting communtiy now? I guess getting kicked off the DP board didn't teach you anything...


My personal feelings about you aside, your list is almost useless in it's current format. You should seperate it by company and indicate if a game is a prototype or not. And while we're on the subject, what's the point of doing this? The DP guide already has a comprehensive list of all the 2600 made, and it's in a nice easy to read format. I guess you can do what you want, but don't expect everyone to start running to download this thing.


BTW, your list is already out of date. Crack'ed (Atari) for the 2600 has just been found along with Pick-Up (20th Century Fox) and Elevator Action (Atari).


Why would we want a list of roms you don't own? What's the point of that? I think you'll go down in collecting history as the annoying guy who made lists that nobody wanted...



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I think Lee is right. This is a free board for all Atari fans. If someone don´t like the posts from Robstermann, please ignore it.


And I think posts like "You are now leaving Germany, SALUTE THE NAZIS, EAT THE LOBSTERS,

GOOD NIGHT" at the DP board aren´t better then the posts form Robstermann.


Thanks from Germany


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What's up and all that sort of rot!!!


I'm glad to see that finally SOME people have some sense. Thanks to all my peeps out there.


Here's the bottom line: what you and I or Joe the Butcher says is going to be different from one another. We all have different ways of expressing our views.


For those of you who hve read some of my earlier posts, I can guarantee you one thing: if you go back to the original post, I was the one who received the insults.


I retaliated. Maybe I hit a nerve with my retorts. But the bottom line is this: if you are arrogant, you really cannot get all uppity if someone else is. If you put someone else down, you can't get all artsy fartsy when someone else does, as well.


Tempest, one thing I do not get is that you took a letter that was written directly to you and posted it. You think that is right? I don't know about you, but if someone writes something directly to me, I don't flom the Internet with it. And then be a hypocrite by claiming that other people are cluttering up a site.


I mean, what brilliant insight caused you to say," Why, gee, Tempest, Robsterman wrote me a letter -- why, let me post it on a site where everyone can read it."


When you posted your violin tripe about how you worked long and hard, and you sweat blood for three years, so the handholders of that other site would pat you on the head, and say, Good Boy, Tempest," I didn't go and post that for the world to see, did I?


I may be a bit arrogant, but at least I have integrity. And I don't need someone telling me I did good to know that I did good.


It's called self-esteem. You should get some.


Now, why don't you do your typical name calling, and then state that I started this whole fiasco!!!


For those of you out there who want the truth, look at this site! Look at my first posts, and who started the namecalling crap. It wasn't me.


Now, there are others who are going along with the sensitivity trip. For those of you who whine and moan about me, take this with a grain of humor. I mean, step back for a second, and say to yourself, "Look at what I am doing. I am getting all hissy about a guy I don't even know. I am getting my bloomers in a bunch over the Atari 2600?"


People, this is supposed to be a hobby. A fun activity. We really should not be taking this seriously. And for me, I don't mind a bit of humor. What I do mind is that when a person gets ranked on, and they rank back, and the ORIGINAL PERSON gets all upset.


Here are some rules that I apply in my life. You might want to as well:


1. Never initiate an insult.

2. However, if someone insults you, you have every right toinsult them back.

3. When in doubt, see Rule #1!


Now, I propose to be the bigger person and stop this negativity. This will be my final negative post. From this moment on, I will only post positive material. After all, we do not want to turn this into a flame war site.


I would hope that all of you would feel the same way. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with one another. But, we should try to respect one another's opinions.


In the future, if you see bashing, it will not be by the Robsterman.


Good luck and great playing!



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I posted your little e-mail message because I don't appreciate you sending me nasty little spam mails. Threatening me off line where other poele can't see how you really are is low Robsterman, low even for you.


But quite frankly I'm done with you. I'd like to say it's been amusing but actually you've been a pain in the ass. That's why I'm outta here. I don't need your two year old crap (which is sad considering how old you really are). If you think I'm so wrong and everyone is on your side in this then no one should notice when I dissapear from this board.


It's been fun but it's time for me to go.



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