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New record for Spitfire Attack?


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Well I did break the record of 57,940 recorded over at TwinGalaxies. I've notified the editor for the 2600 platform over there with no response so far. If nothing comes out of that, at least I can say that I broke the previous record.


It took 6 or 7 tries for me to get into the groove.


I dunno.


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We ought to make a Spitfire patch and sent it to you. Congratulations on being king of a 20-year old video game. I'm serious about that too! I think its a much cooler and crazier achievement than being a modern-day gaming champ. Leave that crap to the grade-schoolers.


As soon as we finally organize the great AtariAge Battle Royal, the Megamania and Missile Command titles will be MINE!

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If you managed that score after just 6 or 7 warm-ups then you will definitely far excced the record in the future.


When I got Megamania, for the first year I would hit the wall around 300,000. But I loved the game so I kept playing it until I both further improved my zig-zag instinct as well as learn a little trick which made all the difference. After that point it was all about the 999,999 and how fats i could get there.


Yet I could never even top 100,000 at River Raid. The skills are similar, its so funny how one will have an aptitude for one certain game and suck at another.

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The key with Spitfire Attack is to stop the planes BEFORE they ascent towards you. That means you gotta hit them before they have a chance to rise in the air.


However, if you get hit by one plane, it's hard to recover in time to avoid another attack. You gotta act quickly. No time to think. Just shoot. ;)

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Congratulations, that's awesome!


I just got this game last week. I only played it long enough to verify that it worked, but I was instantly impressed by the game. Now that my copy of Dragster is defunct, maybe I'll turn my attention to this game. :)


BTW, I believe that TG only accepts video footage or an approved referee witnessing the game for record certifications.

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The key with Spitfire Attack is to stop the planes BEFORE they ascent towards you. That means you gotta hit them before they have a chance to rise in the air.  


However, if you get hit by one plane, it's hard to recover in time to avoid another attack. You gotta act quickly. No time to think. Just shoot.  ;)


Yeah, I got the hang of it already. After you get hit one time you can stiuate yourself inbetween the planes so you don't get hit. Then the next one is then far away.

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Uh oh, Kepone. The avatar with the goo-goo-googily eyes is trying to snipe your record! Better get back on top of it and hold him off. He'll surely fade away once his bowl of Northern Lights wears off.


And why the hell don't we hold the ultimate 2600 competition? Not at the usual event, but one weekend for pure bloodthirsty thumb-bruising competition.


I want to take someone on at Skeet Shoot endurance? How long can you stand to play that game while really trying before saing "screw it" and walking away to purchase one of Mrs. MegaManFan's famous knitted joystick cozies.


That's joystick as in the controller you move your Yar with, wise guys. Don't anyone dare cast any aspersions on the Mrs. MMF, that woman is a saint!

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You should feel good, you just kicked some ass. You're an educated man living in the land of plenty. Instead of being over in Iraq or lying in the gutter you get to kick back and enjoy some fine video gaming. You've earned your wings as a proven 2600 high-scoring ace and that midget lesbian erotica DVD you asked me to send should have arrived today.


BJK, You might score better with a little AK-47 at your disposal.

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Forget Twin Galaxies then, Kepone's got the AtariAge title. That video policy is sensible, because a devoted sneak could certainly fake a picture. But on the other hand, sometimes you don't plan on setting a record and there's no tape running so it's a pain in the ass.


Electonic Games accepted my Missile Command high score from a photo, but that was in a very different era.

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Good God, we've unleashed a monster.


In ten years, the classic gaming oldsters might be talking about those dozens of Kepone record scores that he obtained after continuously beating some former champion guy who was named Todd.


By that time, Inky and I will need trusses to support our old man hernias while we play a rousing game of 3D Tic-Tac-Toe because the other games are just too damn speedy for us.

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I don't agree with TwinGalaxies on this and if they think that those who use digital cameras are cheaters, then they've never met me. I don't have the means to alter a photo. I'm just honestly playing a game that I enjoy and If I can beat my own score 10 times, then that's good enough. I just don't have the money to shell out on a Polaroid or a video camera.

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I don't agree with TwinGalaxies on this and if they think that those who use digital cameras are cheaters, then they've never met me. I don't have the means to alter a photo. I'm just honestly playing a game that I enjoy and If I can beat my own score 10 times, then that's good enough. I just don't have the money to shell out on a Polaroid or a video camera.


Just feed your atari into the back of your vcr and send in a VHS tape. I am pretty sure most peope have a vcr by now.

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I really want to be THE champion of this game.

Hey, that's what competition is all about and you almost doubled the recod in one day of trying! You should want to be THE champion but also get excited if BJK beats your score. That means you have a worthy rival.


I'm anticipating the future, when I will be recognized as the One True God of Megamania (apparently Sauron and 5th Ghost are the guys I have to watch out for).

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