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New record for Spitfire Attack?


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Well I love this game too much that if I get to to TG and it goes through, then I'll be defending the record whenever I can.


It's a very challenging game in one way because once you lose one of your lives, you cannot get it back. It doesn't give you more lives after X amount of points either. It's basically DO OR DIE. Know what I mean?


I like bringing attention to obscure games. Maybe Milton Bradley would be happy to hear that a game that might have been "shovelware" to them, meant a lot to another person. :D

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Hell yeah that is a great score to have on tape. I still haven't gotten my thrust video to TG yet, but it has been sent to albert.  


Have you heard anything from TG yet?


I just printed out a submission form 3 days ago. I didn't send it out yet because I wanted to try my luck at soldifying the score and I think I've done well enough to hang my boots up. I might just keep going until the tape is filled up and I want to ask TG if they can copy the tape and send it back to me for the hell of it but I doubt it.

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  • 5 months later...

I just found out something that makes me sad. :sad:


Somehow the tape with my high score is damaged. Won't play at all. I didn't even get around to sending it out.


However, I have plans to beat the highest score I managed to get back in February. It really sucks though. I'll have to buy a new tape and set up the TV so it will record my games.


Fuck. :sad:

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Bumping this up yet again. However, I've found a tape and I've played 3 games so far of Spitfire Attack, my highest score being 111,000 something. I hope to correct the errors I made back in February. I believe the original tape was destroyed in a drunken rage.

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