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two different Supercharger designs?

Fellow Atari Man

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Was the Supercharger released as to having two different designs? I have an article from a JoyStik mag where it showed another version of the Supercharger, which looked like just a long gold cartridge, without the handle at the end. Does anyone know? (I'd put up a pic here but I don't have a scanner, unfortunately.)

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Wow, that makes THREE then! :) That's just the label though; it has the blue end grip like the one that I--and most people, I imagine--have. This was a flat cartridge, which I'll try to get a shot of it up, but my digital camera can't really focus on small images (like magazine ads) very well, plus I have to take it in natural light or else the flash will always go off. (Maybe tomorrow.)

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  • 3 months later...
Was the Supercharger released as to having two different designs?  I have an article from a JoyStik mag where it showed another version of the Supercharger, which looked like just a long gold cartridge, without the handle at the end.  Does anyone know?  (I'd put up a pic here but I don't have a scanner, unfortunately.)


Heh, I've since figured out how to get around it...so here it is!


My guess(es) is that that was either a model mock-up for publicity and ads only or they changed the design of it...probably since the one that I have (along with everyone else; the one with the handle on it) is easier to grab, and it won't leave someone's fingerprints on the label as easily as this other one would (I'm assuming).


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I found this ad on one of AA members website. (can't remember and no bookmark)


It looks like it had a yellow label in the ad, but that most likely never got released.


You are right

I have 2 superchargers (one ntsc the other one is Pal) both have the same design but the ntsc have the package you are speaking about and it's the standard one:


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