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Pit Fighter Behaves Properly In Mess! This Is A Problem...


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I was just playing around with the Pit Fighter prototype using Mess and I was shocked to discover that it works properly (other than a speed problem). You cannot walk off the screen or hover in mid air or perform any of the other bugs that the real proto has.


I want to perform those bugs! I need screenshots of the bugs in action for my page. Anyone know how to make Pit Fighter 'not work' again?



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I was able to do the walk on air trick without a problem in the current release of MESS (78b). It's a little tricky because of the speed but it's definitely doable. I'll add a screenshot of it to this post.


How do you do the walk off the screen bug?




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That's odd I couldn't do that. I stopped properly at the wall. I'll give it another shot tonight. As for the other bug, I could have sworn that you could walk off one side of the screen and you would come out the other side. Maybe it was my imagination.


Any way to fix the speed? And is there a shortcut button for taking snap shots?



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I just tried walking off the screen on the real hardware with no luck. I don't recall being ablw to doing this before either.


No fix for the speed problem, that's a longstanding bug in MESS 7800 emulation. It affects a few other games as well.


No hotkey for screenshots that I'm aware of, at least not in GUI mode.



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