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Need Midnight Mutants Boss Screenshots


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I need some screenshots of the bosses in Midnight Mutants for my webpage. I've run through and beaten the game before, but I just don't have the time to do that now (and I don't like playing it through an emulator anyway). I'd like to show people what some of the bosses look like (the Ram's head guy was especially cool).


Can anyone help me out?



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There's always save states, so you can beat it in a few different sittings. I haven't tried save states on Midnight Mutants so I don't know how well it works. Some games work better than others with save states.


Ever seen the end of Tank Command? :D





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Tank command has an ending? How long did it take to get there? What was your score?


I don't own the cart personally, but have tried the game once or twice in mess. I didn't really hold my interest long enough to get really far with it...but...who knew it had an ending?


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Tank Command has three levels, if played straight through it probably wouldn't take more than 15 to 20 minutes. Of course I didn't play it straight through. :D

I don't know what my score was because at the time MESS cut off the top and bottom of the screen in Tank Command (see screenshots). This is now fixed but I don't really feel like going back and playing it again.

I also beat Water Ski at the same time but forgot to get a screenshot of the ending. :x



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So from what I get of the two shots...let me see if I have this straight.


You play a Tank in Tank Command and obliterate anything that isn't you that moves....basically.


This continues through 3 levels with some very slightly varied terrain until you see this concrete bunker of a building.


And now tell me if I am wrong here...winning is achieved by:


Capturing the damn flag?!


Are you kidding me?!


yeah...too bad Froggo made some decent gameplay, but forgot to apply a real plot behind it to want to keep us locked in to the end.


Now I know why I haven't actively sought after this game for my collection. One the price is too commanding on my meager income. Two, there is no reason to pay that kind of money for that game.


Just goes to once again, show, why the rares are rare...



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