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more messing around with RMT


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after a bit of a drunken fumble (ooh-err) I think I've found a compromise between crappy bassnotes and crappy high notes.


Initially I was playing with the 15khz option to get standard notes (distortion A) low enough to be useful as bass notes. fine, added an arpeggio. fine. then comes a backing line. sounds alright compared to the original MP3 I was working from.


but the lead was a pain in the ass.


So I tried converting to stereo, and putting the higher pitch on the right hand chip (with it's own 15khz turned off), added some extra channels to fatten everything up and not leave the lead channel sounding lonely.


And I think it's a pretty decent compromise actually. just next time I'll try it with something that isn't phillip glass (although to be fair Rob Hubbard did actually make it sound pretty damn good for Delta).



now to try and do something decent with it...


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