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Im going to sell my Atari 400


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Im thinking about selling my atari 400 it is in very good condition it comes with a 5 button controllor with a number pad it has 16K and I modified it to play games with the lid up it and Im also including the basic cartrige power supply and a RF unit. Its a great computer Im only selling it because my dad recently bought to atari 130 XE s and I need room and money for and Atari ST. How much do you think my computer is worth and how much do you think and ST would cost :D

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Im thinking about selling my atari 400 it is in very good condition it comes with a 5 button controllor with a number pad it has 16K and I modified it to play games with the lid up it and Im also including the basic cartrige power supply and a RF unit.  Its a great computer Im only selling it because my dad recently bought to atari 130 XE s and I need room and money for and Atari ST.   How much do you think my computer is worth and how much do you think and ST would cost :D


I'm afraid that your 400 isn't very valuable; there are a number of reasons for this. First, the 8-bit collectors' market is quite small, and even rare items typically attract little interest. Second, the 400 was nobody's favourite Atari computer because of its limited standard memory and uncomfortable membrane keyboard, and most casual enthusiasts will pass up this model for the much-superior 800. Finally, many 400 owners did modify their computers to some degree because of its limited standard specs, and there are a great number of interestingly-modded 400s floating around.


You might be able to trade in your 400 for a bare-bones 520ST or 520STfm but, as you don't have many accessories or cart-based games, I think that you might have a disadvantage in this trade.


If you're in the Great Lakes area or California, I'd suggest that you contact one of the surviving 8-bit users' groups and get a working ST from them; they'll either give you one for free or sell it to you at a minimal cost.

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