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scrapyard dog = ram cart ?


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I posted the instructions on how to do the mod on this board awhile ago. Here is the link to the thread, you will need to scroll to the end to see my post with the mod. http://www.atariage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb...=4&t=000026&p=2

One thing I forgot to mention at the time, make sure you burn the raw bin file to the EPROM and not the A78 version.




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basically can this be done easily? According the instructions given with the Dev kit...which are geared towards either a hat trick or donkey kong cart they list a U5 chip on the cart's PCB? There isn't one on Scrapyards PCB...only U1-U4...however U2 on the scrapyard cart is larger than your typical Sram would be found there normally.


So..can Mitch, Eckhard..can you guys shed some light on what modifications would need to be done to my scrap yard dog cart to make it into a viable ram cart? If it is even possible easily?



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It would probably be possible to build a RAM cart from this, but we haven't had access to one of these boards yet, so we haven't a design available for it. You would have to figure it out yourself.


But a friend of mine is currently working on some other designs for better RAM carts. It will definetely still take quite a while before we have anything to release and I think all of his designs require different boards, but you might probably still like to wait before building yourself a RAM cart.


Since the Scrapyard Dog cart is useless for this purpose, you might want ot follow Mitch's advice for building a Sentinel or KLAX proto, though.


BTW Crossbow, did you get the e-mail I sent you some days ago regarding your timeout problem with 7800ctrl and Win2K?



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Yes, I did thank you. I haven't tried it yet..as I have to change the details a little. I am using WinXP now...and it does suffer the same timeout issues. I will try and give this driver a run at some point and let you know. My belief is that this may actually work since it basically solves the issue of Win2k/XP buffering the data strangely through the ports.


As for the Scrapyard cart...I will probably take Mitches advice and burn me a Klax for it. That way I can make up some fancy label..and really make it look legit. Now I just need the raw bin for Klax and an eprom burner...

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Now I just need the raw bin for Klax and an eprom burner...


I can't help you with the EPROM burner because I don't own one (yet). But you can download the bin file off my site at this address: http://members.aol.com/~Atari7800games3/nt...tscrom/Klax.zip




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