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Atari 1200XL Made in USA


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When Time-Warner owned Atari Inc. I think the majority of products was made in the USA, at least upto the 1200XL line, though maybe this changed with the later XL models. Once the Tramiels took over and it became Atari Corp. the opposite was true; everthing or almost everything was made on foreign shores. My 1200XL was also made in the US, as is my Pong, Video Pinball, 2600 and 5200. My 7800, ST and XE (all products of Atari CORP.) were made in Taiwan. my Lynx is made in Japan. The Jaguar was the first major product from Atari Corp. to actually be made in the USA, and my Jagcd is made in the USA too, though I don't know if all Jagcd units are US or not, I do know all Jaguars are US made.

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Well, I know most early Warner stuff was made domestically, but my 2600 and 800xl were made in Hong Kong and they were both during the Warner years.


I guess the US made 1200XL might have been an earlier production run or maybe production occured in The US & Taiwan at the same time.

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Some prototypes and early production was made in US, but after short series production was transfer to other countries. I have not 1200xl, but I have 65 series made at Taiwan (old series - with no expansion port) and China (all is european series). My 600XL was made in Hong Kong, 800XL - Taiwan. !010 Data recorder - one at Taiwan, other at Japan. TT030 - Taiwan and Japan. 2600 Junior - at China and Ireland. Portfolio - at Japan, Jaguar -US. XC12 Data recorder - US. 1050 - Japan.

O.K. I hear, that some US version of Atari computers (like 1200XL too) was made in Mexico, but I never take anyone ;(

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