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Best Electronics Proto's, Are They the Real Deal?


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I know we've discussed this before on the DP board, but I never got a clear answer and I'm curious as to what your take is on this.


Are Best Electronics prototypes real proto's or just copies?


AS you all know Best sold many prototypes for the 2600 that have questionable origins. Proto's like Peek A Boo, Bugs Bunny, A-Team, Grovers Music Makers and others have been circulating the web for some time now. Are these real prototypes that best found when they bought out Atari's warehouses or are they just copies they made off of a master proto.


I question they're authenticity for a few reasons, most notably the shear number that seem to be out there. I can see finding 3 or 4 protos of each title (maybe more) but Best was selling many more than that. Another thing that stands out is the fact that the labels are plain without any markings (no dates or version numbers), this is usually a big tip off that something's not kosher. Plus most of you remember those fake Quadrun protos that were circulating the net a few years ago, I don't know who was making and selling those but more than one person said it was Best.


I could be wrong, some of the prototypes that they've auctioned off have had the same type of labels (Save Mary, Shooting Arcade, etc.) and we know those were legit. So I'm not accusing Brad of anything, I just want to know if they're real or copies. Anyone know for sure? Maybe I should just talk to the man himself and get the word straight from the horses mouth (figuratively speaking of course).



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i have just phoned with maO.


funny, at the same time your posting appears ... he said that all carts sold before 94 were originals, the newer ones tend to be all copies ...


it may be a few of your quadruns are only copies, watch out ...


best way to find out is to check the weight of the cart ... they should be heavier than regular carts, the old eproms were much heavier than the new copies ... also doublecheck with tempest's site, he's got a very nice listing with many pics, so you can check out how the eprom is looking.


hope this helps


i wonder if all these brandnew texas chainsaw massacre carts are that rare, when there's nearly 1 sold every week . or are the just aftercrash production that was never sold ...?


i guess i wasn't that easy for the shops selling the game "under the desk" ...

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