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How are the graphics on Zone Ranger done?


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I find this game pretty graphically amazing.


There are a large number of color objects all moving around the screen with smooth 4-way scrolling. On the title screen there is even a large graphic overlay with no slowdown of the game display at all.


I'm looking at it and thinking Sinistar would have been beautiful with this graphics engine.



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it's antic e, no scrolling... large objects are preshifted gfx in ram and a unrolled loop is drawing the "stripes". there is even no double buffering. stuff is drew with the "EOR" method... so 1st old gfx is erased by "overdraw" the old one then move objects and then draw new one...


i have made quite detailed analysis on the engine. it's really simple.


search atariage for keywords "time pilot" "zone ranger" and with my nick

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I was wondering how the effect was done. Not  many games have stuff moving that fast.


The horizontal movement is precalculated, the movement in and out of the screen is just done by splitting the colours. Ballblazer does something similar, so do Trailblazer (original version on the C16) and Cosmic Causeway (C64). The reason that not many games use this system is that it can only display a chessboard - it'd be boring if lots of games used it! =-)

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