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Artifacing, Which Colors?

Great Hierophant

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Certain Atari games use the artifaced mode of the C/GTIA, but I am not sure what the proper colors should be. On the Atari800Win emulator, the primary colors seem to be Purple and Green, but it also has other options. I read somewhere that the colors may be dependent on the system, not necessarily the graphics co-processor.

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By clever placement of pixels, it's also possible to get a couple other colors...like yellow and a pinkish-white or bluish-white...I think by odd+even+gap+even and even+odd+gap+odd.  Something like that.


Yeah - Im not sure how these were affected by the OS change though. I think I was able to get 5 colors in gr 8 once - white, blue, brown, yellow and purple :)

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another method i am working on is transparency paper put on the monitor to gain 16,7 mio colours.... but at the moment i am stucked with static pictures only and i am missing a good painting tool for that method... sad that this is not working for moving gfx but grafic adventures definitly benefit from that... i call that "real mode" 8)


just kidding....

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Yeah - Im not sure how these were affected by the OS change though.

The OS has nothing to do with it.


Hmmmmmm - So why does the XL os present the artifcating effect differently than the 800 os? The XL series shifts the video which changes the offset I thought.

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