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Marjac ROMScanner and Arcadia Supercharger


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I bid on these two items and won them on eBay. I have a question for any who might have bought either one in recent years.


The is boxed, though used, and the Arcadia Superharger is NIB.'


I don't expect any problems with the ROMScanner, as it is mostly made of non-working parts. I do have concerns about the Supercharger, even though it is new and unsealed.


Does anyone have an experience with newly opened 'chargers? Being a child of the '80s myself, I know that cassette tapes are not exactly the most reliable of formats.


Is there any way to feed data into the 'charger with a modern CD player, DAT recorder, or Minidisc recorder?


I know this is a dumb question, but I have never made any qualms about being dumb.


Any tips are much appreciated. Thanks for reading!



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I don't expect any problems with the ROMScanner, as it is mostly made of non-working parts.


I would start worrying if i were you :)


But seriously, as far as i know you can use any audio source for a Supercharger. There are even conversions programs on the 'net for that. Basically it converts a binary ROM image to blip's'n'beeps which you can save as audio on a CD for example and use that instead of a casette tape. There are a number of topics about this. Just use the search...




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Makewav converts BIN files to supercharger sound files. I've burned 6 mini-cds with about 350 games on them for myself, my brother and my sister(I gave them Atari setups for Xmas last year)


You'll also want to check out modifying the supercharger. Some of the 2K and 4K games will crash the supercharger because they trigger the bank switching routines. The modification adds a single chip and a switch to control if the supercharger is in "supercharger" or "rom image" mode.

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I don't expect any problems with the ROMScanner, as it is mostly made of non-working parts.  I do have concerns about the Supercharger, even though it is new and unsealed.


I haven't used a Supercharger, but I have had a couple ROMScanners in the past. The idea behind them is good, but they cheaped out on the plastic. If you want to hook it up to a 2600, it'd be a good idea to use a spare 2600 because you'll want to leave it on there. The pegs that hold the legs onto the main chassis of the ROMscanner break way too easily, so you don't want to keep moving it on and off a 2600. That said, once you assemble it, leave it together for the same reason.

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  • 3 months later...
Does anyone have an experience with newly opened 'chargers?  Being a child of the '80s myself, I know that cassette tapes are not exactly the most reliable of formats.


Is there any way to feed data into the 'charger with a modern CD player, DAT recorder, or Minidisc recorder?


Send $5 to:


Randy Crihfield

P.O. Box 1332

Pepperell, MA 01463


...and he'll send you "Stella Gets A New Brain", a collection of the entire Starpath Supercharger game library on CD (not CDR, CD). I helped put this compilation together, and I guarantee that it's more than worth the $5 it sells for now. You shouldn't have any problems playing the games from any CD player through the jack the Supercharger provides, though, like the tape games, you may have to adjust the volume at times.

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