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Been into 2600 console and emulation pretty heavy but just started with the 7800. Downloaded Mess, and some roms but cannot get them to play. The 7800 selection has a circle with a line through it and when I click on it it says type ok, then hit any key, then just turns off. Any help would be great.

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The Below pertains to Mess32 as it is the only Mess I can really use in WinXP.


The problem is that Mess isn't seeing the 7800 bios file correctly. You need to get the a7800.zip file that contains the 7800.rom file in it. Leave it zipped and put that into a new folder that you create called "A7800". This folder is also where all the roms will go still left in Zip format.


Now the weird part is that you may have to rename that a7800.zip file. I have downloaded it from many places and it had all sorts of various names so make sure it is called "a7800.zip".


Now in mess itself you have to configure the directory lay out so that the roms section points to this A7800 folder you made earlier. You also have to point the software folder to the same place.


Then in Messes Default options area...there is tab labeled as "Software" In here you need to once again specify that A7800 folder. That last bit will actuall cause all the roms to show up in the list. Now you only need to double click on a game to start it up.


Other versions of Mess work similar to this but I haven't played with any except for the Mess32 version.


Give that a try as I have had most success with this.

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This is a little off topic, but it seems MESS gives many people problems. I see it is layed out ALOT like mame, but i hardly hear of people with mame problems but everyone i have told about mame agrees with me in stating its a royal pain in the ass to get configured.. Now it wouldnt be too hard to make an autoconfig script, is anyone involved in the actuall mess project on this board?

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hahaha..cany ass here, too broke to get a new one since mine busted, and im freakin lazy at that


CROSSBOW, you use XP? I beta tested it and i thought it was like a horrible bad dream, i couldnt stand it.. and all the little pointless extras MS put in makes you need at least 128 megs of ram to use it, basically a new core, but a wizard this and that and everythimg, a real pain for someone who likes to tweak stuff.. the only thing i didnt mess with was the dos console emulation, i was scared to see what else MS messed up

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While I agree that most of the crap in XP isn't needed for the power users such as most of us...I also haven't had it crash once!!..and trust me...I have tried to.


As for Dos console stuff...forget it...most of them cause page faults withing the dos session, so I am basically limited to using only Win9x Emus now...Hence Mess32 is my only available 7800 emu.


Otherwise, I think XP essentially ROX!!!

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Originally posted by liquid_sky:

CROSSBOW, you use XP? I beta tested it and i thought it was like a horrible bad dream, i couldnt stand it.. and all the little pointless extras MS put in makes you need at least 128 megs of ram to use it, basically a new core, but a wizard this and that and everythimg, a real pain for someone who likes to tweak stuff.. the only thing i didnt mess with was the dos console emulation, i was scared to see what else MS messed up


Of course this has nothing to do with the original subject of this thread, but I had to respond to this. I was playing around with Windows XP on a few machines at Best Buy or Frys a few days ago. I had seen pictures of it before, but I couldn't believe how dumbed down the interface is. Took me less than five minutes to turn all of that garbage off to make it look more or less like Windows 2000.


I'm hoping I never have to install Windows XP. With all the pain-in-the-ass content protection mechanisms it has built in, plus the inane registration process, I'd rather switch to using Linux full time than deal with Big Brother taking even more control away from me. I really hope XP helps push more people towards Linux, including developers who can help evolve Linux into a more user-friendly desktop operating system.



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Originally posted by Lemmi:

I'll stick with my windows 98


I like Windows 2000, since it's based on NT and is a fairly robust operating system. It rarely crashes, is reasonably fast and runs all the games I throw at it. I do have problems with some DOS-based emulators, but overall it works pretty well. Fortunately most of them do work and there are plenty of Windows-based emulators out there as well.



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I do have problems with some DOS-based emulators, but overall it works pretty well. Fortunately most of them do work and there are plenty of Windows-based emulators out there as well.


This is why I don't use the DOS emus in WinNT technology OS systems. See, the emus themselves will work. But my SBLive! doesn't provide anysound at all in them. So while many Emus that are Dos only I can get to at least show the game and play it even under WinXP...I can't get any sound period! So...Win9x emus I go...

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I'll stick with my windows 3.1

I agree with Albert, I hope XP drives people to use Linux. Although I haven't had the pleasure (!) of trying out XP, I hate windows and Microsponge, always have. I tolerate using it. I learned some Unix/Xenix at a software company i worked for a while, and like it, so I think my next computer will be set up with Linux. I want to see a Linux based console! Sweet dreams Indrema.

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I agree. Mess is kind of a pain to get going. Granted, I'm using Windows 95B as my OS, but that shouldn't make too much of a difference.

Anyhoo, I get a lot of strange errors sporadically (display mode not set correctly when I try one ROM, and then ok when I try the same ROM later), and sometimes it has trouble finding my 7800.rom file.


In my opinion, the DOS-based version was a hell of a lot friendlier.


And I still can't get a copy of Pitfighter to run on the emulator. Maybe I keep downloading bad binaries, but it's still pretty dang frustrating Any one know where a good .a78 lives?



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And I still can't get a copy of Pitfighter to run on the emulator. Maybe I keep downloading bad binaries, but it's still pretty dang frustrating Any one know where a good .a78 lives?



I think AtariAge may have updated their copy to the working version recently as well.




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