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Hola a todos los atarianos que estan en este foro

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Es un gusto en conocerlos a todos ustedes,y quiero decirles que en Chile, tambien tenemos una counidad de atarianos y aqui estamos visitando este foro y desde ya, mis mas sinceras felicitaciones por existir foros como estos,que permiten que nuestro viejo y cariñoso atari, siga vigente.


Desde Chile, les saludamos...



www.atarichile.tk ;)

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Nice to see someone from Chile join the board.


hey, I0m from Chile and I've been participated for while in this forum,

but I havent used Spanish :D


however I know these guys and they're doing some nice projects,

SW & HW, one is a 1mb cartridge with a cost of $10 with a 800xl.

and at least one game.



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  • 3 weeks later...

No comprende. Por forvor, va a world.altavista.com


English > Spanish

Spanish > English


Translator is available here. type your message in top box, set from spanish to english, and then post in english sections of this forum.


We want you to use english in the english forums. You can post in spanish in the international forum.

Not very many persons speak spanish here, so we wish you would post a translation of your messages.


Thank you.

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No comprende. Por forvor, va a world.altavista.com


English > Spanish

Spanish > English


Translator is available here. type your message in top box, set from spanish to english, and then post in english sections of this forum.


We want you to use english in the english forums. You can post in spanish in the international forum.

Not very many persons speak spanish here, so we wish you would post a translation of your messages.


Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Put the following code on a link on your website for Atariage. It will let your readers view all of the Atariage website in spanish. You can also do this with the altavista site I gave. This forum breaks the code into 3 lines when I post here. You need to enter it as only one line of code.


Its not perfect, but will give a word for word translation if possible.


Your web site does not work very well with the different translaters, since the text is flash. If you make all text in your web page just html text, then your page will most likely be translateable by the translation sites.





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I tried your web page several different days and at different times. Often, it times out and gives an error message when used with a translator site. I think the web site you use is just too slow for reliable translation connections.


You might be able to slove this by getting a free web page at one of these sites. Many offer 150 meg of web pages.




If you can find a free page in several different countrys, and mirror your site on those, then translation most likely would be possible for any atari user that wished to visit your page. They then would then just go to a translater linked web page for their country.


We need your site to have faster access, because often we can not connect to your site due to time out. Mirror sites would most likely sove this problem.

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hi. in boot idioms. en ambos idiomas.


I read this forum, & i think to much software stuff and poor hardware.


he estado leyendo este foro y me parece que hay mucho software y poco hardware.


I develop in the 80's a Light secuencer, strobs UV lamps and another lot of light games for party's, controlled with and 800XL and one Interfase designed by me. The program was write by me in basic, compilled to put on cart. thanks to my friend Mario Ramirez, owner of Prisma soft, one great game-seller in the 80's. in Chile.


En los 80's desarrollé varios juegos de luces secuenciales, estroboscopicas UV, etc. para fiestas, los que controlaba con un 800Xl con una interfase creada por mi. El programa tb lo escribi yo en basic y lo compile para ponerlo en un cartucho, gracias a mi amigo Mario Ramirez, dueño de una gran compañia vendedora de juegos en los 80's en Chile.


Also now, i be envolved in the develop of diferent carts. to the XL XE computes. Wilhem create the "images2 and i burn in a eprom, in a eprom burner conected to a 800xl computer. Also created by me.


También ahora, me he envuelto en el desarrollo de diferentes cartuchos para los computadores XL XE. Wilhem crea las imagenes y yo las quemo en mi grabador de eproms conectado a un 800xl.Tb creado por mi.


The last proyects a have, is the SIO2PC and 1050-2-PC cables. One and two chips designe.


Lo ultimo que he realizado son los cables SIO2PC y 1050 2 PC. De un y dos chips.




En proyecto: realizar la MY-IDE, y un cartucho de 1mega Byte.



I hope dont booring to you, excuse my write, im not expertice in inglish.


Espero no haberlos aburrido, excusen mi escritura, no soy un experto en ingles.


Any coments or new ideas or question asks?


Haganme saber cuelquier comentario, idea o preguntas.





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Hi Chile,

Thank you for posting here a very well done translation. Wish I could do as well in spanish, but will have to post in english.


Antic magazine had hardware construction articles about every 2 or 3 month. Some build it projects that might be fun would be a midi interface.

You need to send code to the interface at a baud rate of 31250 8 bits no parity, 1 stop bit.


to turn on a note, send the following 3 byte code in decimal. 144, 60, 127

Where 144 is midi channel 1, 60 is middle c on most keyboards, but might be off an octave up or down. and 127 is the velocity, (volume level)


To turn it off, send 144,60,0 (setting a middle c note on channel 1 to 0 volume.


The atari 8 bits can play with midi approximately 16 imidi musical nstruments all at the same time, if the midi keyboard or sound box has that many available.


Another hardware idea, is to interface two ataris through the joystick ports, so one can tell the other what notes to play.


Atari has the ability to link to hardware 8 bit sound registars together, for 16 bit sound that is very good, close to what the comodore can do, or even an ibm.


You can do this twice, so you can have two 16 bit sound sources for each computer. The reason to link two computers, is to try and get 4 part 16 bit music out of just Atari computers.


Antic has an article some place in it that lets a person hook an atari to shortwave radio, and copy wefax weather maps on the atari screen.


Theres also how to interface to stepper motor. I would like to see a hardware project where a air brush was controlled in x, y cordinates by an atari, with control of the spray painting. Software would do kalidoscope type reflecting of designs. Need to have the brush in a spray booth outdoors or with plenty of ventilation.


Also some talk boxs that can let the Atari speak, and quite a few other things. You probably already found most of the Antic magazines. I include a spanish translation link for you at the end, just click it.

Also a scanner with a printer.


A digitizer would be good. Should be able to make this out of a paddle controller. just have an arm that can turn, and at the end of this arm, have another that can turn.

put a varible resistor at each of the two places the arm turns.


The hard part would be the parogram that reads it. But you could just move it around over graph paper, and write down the numbers as you moved the tracer to different cordinates.


Probably some math whiz could give the formula so you would not have to go to all that much trouble.


Heres an idea for a digitizer I made at one time, thats real simple.

Make a stand for your atari monitor or tv. At the front edge of this stand, have a pane of glass. The glass is held in this slot at a 45 degree angle, and it slants away from your monitor, and toward you.


You also have a bright lamp on each side of your monitor that are aimed at the table your monitor and its stand are on.


you put your drawing on the table, and look through the glass at your monitor, but you see both the monitor, and a reflection on the glass of your drawing. This lets you trace whats on the paper below the monitor, with any atari drawing program.


We also made Atari projector tvs. This is best done with a small tv or monitor, and turn its brightness up as much as possible.

You need one of those flat frensel lens that magnify an entire page of a book, available at most office supply stores.


Make a hole in a cardboard box, a bit smaller than the lens, and tape the lends to the box.

Now move the box in front of the monitor or tv, until you can get is image focused on the opisote wall of the room.


We were able to get pictures up to about 5 feet by 7 feet, in rooms about 12 feet between walls. that were fairly good quality. If you have a projector screen use that, or you can use a white sheet if the wall is not a light color.


Just use the card board boxs to get an idea of what you need, and then make two boxs, one that can slide into another, so you can focus easily, and fix up some cloth to attach to the box and monitor /tv to block any light leaking out.


If you put photo paper on the wall, you can also make posters,etc.

To do this, you can use photo paper as your negative. After you develope the paper, squeegee it to another paper, emulsion to emulsion for best results. Then shine a light on the paper, to expose the second paper through the first.


You could make a light box if you want, but just turn on a light in the room with the negative paper sitting on top of the blank paper, and glass on top of that will do it. A timer would be nice, but you can just couint off the seconds by 101, 102 etc.


If you dont have much room, you can skip stop bath and just use paper developer, and fixer. Kodak D76 works good for this.


I would like to see your construction articles some time, but you need to get your web page to work without scripts, since I choose to block all scripts. I got a virus installed by web page scripts onces, so from now on, no web page scripts for me.



How about an atari controlled solar oven? Solar is not going to go big, until they make it just as nice as a regular oven, complete with 4 burners and thermostat control, and look as pretty with enamel finish.


Can a xolar box be on a roof, positioned with an atar, and send the heat down a stove pipe to the stove, and have valves that can be opened so no heat would come down when you wanted to turn it off? Can it be made fail safe? can a fan be added to cool burners/ oven down fast so it behaves just like a regular oven, and does not take hours to cool?

Maybe have a foot or two thick brick or concreate pad the collector box on the roof sits on, to protect roof from getting to hot. Can it be made safe, and fail safe? A person should be able to put a solar oven any place they would put a gas stove or electric if solar is ever to become popular.




Here is a spanish link to Antic Magazines index at the archive site

Click on it, then save in your browsers favorites, or bookmark it.

If adding to a web page, type it in as just one line.



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