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MANUAL???? 5600 HELP!!!!!!!!!!


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HELP!!!!!!!! My poor hubby got a 5600. Was told it worked. But he can't seem to make it work. It has the manuals for all the games but that is all. Is there a manual on how to hook the game up. I just want to be sure he is doing it right. I feel so bad for him. He was looking forward in having fun with this game. Can someone help me??? Please!!! Thank you so much!!! :?

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We need a little more information.


First, does it have two joystick ports in the fron or two?


If two, you need the power supply/ac/dc converter, a standard RF(radio frequency) box to connect to the TV and the 5200.


If it's a four port model, you need the power supply/ac/dc converter, a special 5200 RF(radio frequency) box that is unique to the 5200, and the 5200 itself.



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Maybe a picture can help. I'm not sure what I have now. Thanks for you help. Now lets see if you can see this picture.

That appears to be an Atari 2600 console and an Intellivision cart.

You'll need an Intellivision console to play that game.


*edit* "didn't see the 2nd pic"

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re:Intellivision cart

Is it? Looks like an M-Network 2600 cartridge to me.

But you are correct that it is an Atari 2600 console.


Anyway, you need to make sure that the black cord coming from the back of the console is plugged into the VHF input on your television...you cannot use the A/V plugins...it needs to go to the antenna input. See the howto section for examples.

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Hello. Thats an Atari 2600 (VCS). The cart should work just fine.


Did you get a slide switch type RF adapter to hook it up to your TV?

It would go between your TV and the cable wire. The console then plugs into the switch box using the RCA plug. Tune your TV to channel 3, power on the system and see what happens.


Good Luck.



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Meh...I prefer this:




...which gives a cleaner signal.



On your television, you need to plug the wire into here...




NOT here:




It's true that modern systems use the lower jacks...but the older Atari cannot use them (unless you get the console modified to use them).

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Ok, it came with that little box on, But it didn't fit on our tv. So we had to go and get the one Nukey has a picture of. I looked again on what they said we got. Was told it is 5200 and this is what they said we got.

Atari console + 3 power adaptors, 4 joy sticks, 2 paddle controls, 1 joy board (power body control), 1 video touch pad. Yall are very sweet to try and help. Thank you.

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How can we test the power cord? Husband thinks it could be the power cord. We hooked it all up and nothing is working. We don't have the joy stick and all put in but we should be able to see something going on right. Nothing. Yes, we put the tv on 3. What do yall think??? Thank you for all you help.

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It's only 9 volts...it won't kill ya :lol:


BTW be sure to always plug it into the jack on the console first before you plug the wall adapter in. When current is flowing thru the plug, Atari adapters have a tendancy to short out :x Sometimes you'll just get a little warning spark...other times, it's gone walkies.

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Just ask him. And yes he did the lick..........He said he did clean it first. HA!

Nothing happen. So does this mean no power???? And where do we get a new one? And how much will it cost. This ebay game sure is ................And they said it worked. Thank you all for the help.

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Thanks to you all good people for giving me help today. We got the power cord and it is working now. And never will I get something like this on ebay again. She said we got a 5200 and we got a 2600. Then the power cord was bad. She tells us it must have happen in the shipping. Oh, sure. But thank you are for being with me. And we are going to enjoy it all now.

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I didn't mean to imply, "A crooked seller?!?!? Please post a link so I can avoid this rare scoundrel."


What I meant was, "I'm curious to see how this item was represented... and as an aside, most sellers are honest so don't give up on ebay altogether." :)


Was it a 5200 that your husband really wanted? There's a whole new set of reliability issues with those. :)



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The adapter switch was broken, wire was off. We had to replace it. Then we had to get a new power adapter. This all came to a little more the $20. On Ebay they said this Atari was a 5200. We got a 2600. We where told that maybe something happen to damage it when shipped. The box was not damaged when it came.

But with yall's help we got it working.

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