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Trakball problem...argh (it worked fine 2 years ago)


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Well hello all this is my first post. My trakball has been in its box, in the rafters of the garage (in another box for protection of course) for the past 2 years or so. I would have gotten it out sooner but it was behind tons of boxes and spiders.


At first I was happy because it had been awhile and I noticed the serial number 1294-kinda low eh. But then I hooked up my 2 port 5200 to try it out and on both Missile Command and Centipede left/right malfunctions. Up/down works fine.


You will be trying to play and the cursor goes left on its own...or right on its own. Then if you manage to move it and get it to stop moving...if you barely move the trakball (slightly) it will move full speed either left or right.


I opened up the trakball unit and couldn't see anything broken. In fact it was pretty new looking (mint-ish), cept for the roller the trakball hits, which were orangish at the ball contact point but it doesn't affect anything.


Next I put the 2 port away and tried the trakball on my 4 port. Same problem. Then I put some contact fluid on the plug/connector and plugged it in again...no fix.


My biggest worry is that since it was up there for 2 years...it gets pretty warm up there especially in summer...and I wonder if it somehow got screwed. The manual says do not expose to extreme cold/warm temps and it is hot up there spring/summer/last fall. So...ack help ><

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Hmmm Yeah I'd say if the instuctions said not to expose it to high temps and you did, that might be the problem. Thats just an uneducated guess though. Ive ruined plenty of stuff storing it in my attic here in Georgia. Get pretty dang hot up in an attic.

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One thing you can do is to carefully remove and re-instert the socketed IC chips off the circuit board. The chips often work loose, or get corrosion between the pins and the sockets. Removing and re-insterting can fix these problems.


Does the problem occur in both directions, up/down and left/right?



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