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PC5 photos


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I'm so sad I missed it  :sad:


I'm sorry you did too. I only found out I could go at 8AM Saturday so I called my friend and woke him up to come with me. I wound up having to leave after only 3 hours anyway so if I had given you a ride, you wouldn't have been there too long. That's why I'm not in that AA group pic, I had already left to go to work.


Well, there's always next year...

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Here's one picture I will post before going to bed.  :)




Nice group pic. I recognize some of the people in the pic, but a who's who would be nice as well.


The event looked to be great fun. Regrettably, I could not attend due to prior commitments and I can tell that I missed out on a great time.

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lots of great photos everyone, i feel like i'm there, well minus getting lots of games and meeting people. i've been scanning the AA images trying to spot my dusty old monitors and i've noticed something...why does everybody take so many damn pictures of joe grand?





just kidding joe...we still keep you on our frontpage



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:lol: :thumbsup: Nice pic! The Combat Cannonball run is still on hold. The backup 01s are training and are working towards a new goal.:sleep: So for now: stay tuned. @Mr & Mrs MMF: don't worry about the cart, its been declared deceased.


Thats cool. Combat Cannonball Run will live on!-there are more backups-so yet another Deceased Cart- :x


Again, I'm SO sorry this happened! Please accept my apologies!

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Here's a last batch of PC5 photos I have yet to publish:



* "The Cassidy Gang" of ne'er-do-wells is up to no good again!




* Two more shots of the Packrat booth.



* z28 and ChickyBaby mug in front of Curt's booth (BEFORE it fell, thank God). :D

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Great show - and much thanks to Kevin Manne for talking me into going!  Here's my pics.  Descriptions / captions MAYBE later.  It was pretty awesome having people play my Nuon Breakout clone (sucky as it is).




Stephen Anderson


Great pics Steve - love the one of me rocking the Tempest machine!





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more proof that I DO NOT photograph well. I'm MUCH sexier in person, you'll have to trust me. :)


We got some great photos of stuff (like Aimee selling paintings to the rich and famous). As soon as she uploads them, we shall post! :) :) :) :)


Great show. Maybe the best Philly Classic yet? :) :)

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I posted about 44 photos on my web site (still under construction).  You can check them out in the Photo Gallery at www.beepbopboop.com -- let me know what you think.



Great PC5 photo's!!!





Thanks! You had a great display!


We got some great photos of stuff (like Aimee selling paintings to the rich and famous). As soon as she uploads them, we shall post!


I have about 4 pictures of Aimee and some of her work that I took on Sunday morning: www.beepbopboop.com. She had some great work there! I wish I could have gotten some better shots on Saturday morning but there were way too many people by the time I got there.

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yeah, sixer your pics were GREAT! Thanks for taking them.


To be fair, most of those pics of me are from Sunday when I was very tired and weary. Here is a pic of me and BP and I'm MUCH hotter.


Aimee plans to have more pics up for perusal tonight! :) :)


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(when the 2nd group pic is shown, you guys'll "get" my "Ring" comment).  :ponder:  


EDIT -- maybe I meant "Final Destination" ... can't remember which film had the blurry image effect on film...  :ponder:


I just saw "The Ring" a few days ago, and it was that. Strange movie. :ponder:


Back on topic...The show looks amazing, and I REALLY wish I could have gone. *drools*

I'm one for free stuff too, so I woulda loaded up just for the memories...


Thanks for the pictures!

Glad you all had fun, and maybe I'll be able to go next year!



Chase Hermsen

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