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Abbuc intro... look what happened


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i just heard some SAPs and while browsing through the ASMA archive i found abbuc intro #36 music which is a SID conversion... as i have coded a quick intro for the next upcoming abbuc magazine #76 i asked sack if i could use one of his RMT tunes... and today i have realised that it is the same DRAX conversion... hahahaha... that's why i liked the hard & sack's conversion... strange that i haven't realised it when i have coded the intro 2 months ago...


strange world... i am sure that sack does not know this version... ;)... 40 issues between this 2 versions... (OH NO... 40 issues div 3 months = 13 years! new abbuc magazine each quarter... oh my god...i am getting old... )


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Aren't most of the hard tunes modifications of the original C64 playroutines?


In which case I'll have to admit defeat on this one because that's Drax original songdata note perfect :)


Seriously though - I think my bassline sounds a bit rough compared to the HARD version.


Oh well - with the mass of good atari tunes out there it's a tough job getting through them all to see which ones have and haven't been covered - but I try and keep it original.

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Seriously though - I think my bassline sounds a bit rough compared to the HARD version.



The Bassline is build with straight 16 Bit Sound... :It is a riddle for me, why RMT does not support it... or better:

Why does no POKEY Tracker take advantage of the full 16 bit abilities


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Just tell me which abilities you require.



A listening ear... thanks.


Here are my suggestions:


-Because 16Bit uses 2 channels, an RMT-type of AUDCTL programming is required.

-when using 16bit and setting a note... everything has to be handled by this "16bit" values

-every different combination of AUDCTL-settings needs a "tune in"

-16bit + filter must be available to manipulate... just like in RMT but plus the 3rd channel for filter

-when using 16bit(and or filter) the lost channel(s) can be set to generator "8" and used for percussion by manipulating the volume (manipulating the pitch must be available too)

-fast switching for 16bit and 8bit must be available like RMT does for filtering

-for arpeggios, portamentos etc. ... they must be available on every channel even if they are joined.

-when using different speeds, those effects should not be faster, when instrument updating is faster.

-setting the shift-frequency of all of the joined voices will make it easier to find "new" combinations.

-after optimizing "one" POKEY, the 2nd can be used for stereo... :ponder:

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yup... hard used "original" sids... that why a lot of the tunes sound so bad and out of tune (check esp. veronika or joyride demos)


sack, have you checked the new atari SID "softsynth" demos somewhere on the forums here?


yeah - I was very impressed by them - musically great, but I'm not certain about the practicality of using them in demos.


all good stuff though

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