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Anyone have this ATR? GAMES214.ZIP


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I'm being vague here, I know, but one of my Atari 8-bit zipped ATR files has been corrupted. The file is called GAMES214.ZIP (I have 243 of the ATR files-- not sure if there are more). I don't even know which games are on this archive-- it's just bugging me that it has gone into the bit bucket. Anyone have this archive or know where I can get it?



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214 of 243 sounds like the Homesoft collection, i'm mirroring it still on my own web server.  i'll pass the URL on in a PM.


Since you seem to have all of these mirrored I thought that you might be able to tell me how many of these disks exist? Are there only 243 and are there some list of what's on them?


The reason I ask is that I'd like to know if I'm missing some.





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Since you seem to have all of these mirrored I thought that you might be able to tell me how many of these disks exist? Are there only 243 and are there some list of what's on them?


i believe there's more than 243 (i only have that many) and i have a partial list i compiled myself but it's covered in slightly rude notes about some of the games... =-)

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trooper... "...you'll take my life but i'll take yours, too...you're fire your musket but i run you through...so when you waiting for the next attack...you'll better stand there's no turning back...." ;)


except of metallica's "fade to black" & "for whom the bell tolls" the song i have i have listened to 1024 times... but still love it (but i prefer the "live after death" version... "the next song is from the piece of mind album the song is called... the troooooooooooper...."


sorry guys... ;) just woke up...

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trooper... "...you'll take my life but i'll take yours, too...you're fire your musket but i run you through...so when you waiting for the next attack...you'll better stand there's no turning back...." ;)


except of metallica's "fade to black" & "for whom the bell tolls" the song i have i have listened to 1024 times...  but still love it (but i prefer the "live after death" version... "the next song is from the piece of mind album the song is called... the troooooooooooper...."


sorry guys... ;) just woke up...


Yup, it's one heck of a great song and the Live after death version is probably the best one :D There's actually quite a funny story to my nickname and I'll tell it to you all some sunny day. ;)


i believe there's more than 243 (i only have that many) and i have a partial list i compiled myself but it's covered in slightly rude notes about some of the games... =-)


I have 244-248 too so I guess there's at least that many, I'd like to look through your list, should be a fun read since I'm no stranger to rude notes :D





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