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Lots Of Games On eBay & A Question


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Was on eBay this morning and noticed that there are a LOT of boxed and complete games on there, many of them hard-to-find or sorta-rare, that were just recently added. Made me kind of drool and brought back a lot of memories. Was going to jump on the Apshai expansions but then noticed they were tape.


Looking over the games got me to thinking: when I got my first 800 I couldn't afford a disk drive so had to use a tape drive for quite some time. I remember tape based games weren't too hard to find and neither were disk based games.


But does anyone recall if any games for the 8bit were released with both the tape & disk versions in the same box? I would swear that I remember seeing a couple back in those days but can't be really positive.


Not sure if piracy was a big issue back when Jumpman, Apshai, etc were new but if so that would explain why companies wouldn't want more than one copy of a game in a box. But also knowing that companies tried to cut costs in many ways (flippies, printing multiple-language manuals, using the same box for multiple systems, etc) it might seem logical for them to try and cut costs also by including both tape & disk versions in a box.


Maybe I'm waaaaay off base but still curious if anyone recalls this.


Thanks in advance



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Timesworks did this with a game on the C64 called Star Battle (I THINK that was the title). My friend only had a tape drive so he got the tape and I used the disk. I never had any other games like that, but I do remember seeing them sold in the store that way-- this was about '84 or '85.



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I too, started out with just tape drive, for about a year after I got my first 130XE until i could afford a 1050 drive. I remember having both 'Bruce Lee' and 'Temple of Aphsai' with tape and disk. I used the tapes until I finally got my first 1050, I remember the excitement of FINALLY being able to use the disks and play the game in a matter of seconds upon loading instead of loading it on tape while I ate dinner or something...ahh, the memories...it's funny though now, as I use A.P.E to put some of the classic games BACK on to tape just so O can use my 1010 for something...it's slow, but that's nostalgia for you! 8)

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