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I just got the supercharger and I have some thoughts


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Out of curiosity, why do you have an OS/2 system?  Something you really need a very stable OS for, or just  

have an older PC and don't like Windoze?

I got my first PC clone in 94 after having used an Amiga for a number of years. Win 3.x(this was is 94) was a big step backwards from the Amiga, so I went with OS/2. It was a viable option at the time.


No, I don't particularily care for Windows. I figured that was obvious from my signature line :) I program for and support Windows at work, so I have plenty of experience with it. While it has gotten better over the years, it's still a far cry from where it should be - especially in security and stability.


My OS/2 systems are a 2GHz self-built desktop and a 900 MHz Thinkpad. I've got quite a bit of OS/2 software(such as Lotus SmartSuite) which would have made changing platforms expensive(this is one of the main reasons people stay on Windows - the expense of replacing software). I've also ported software to OS/2, such as the OS/2 version of the Atari 2600 emulator Stella(if you check the screenshots, you'll see something I've never seen in any other Atari 2600 emulator - the icons in the bottom corners let you know what controllers the game is expecting to have plugged into the left/right ports).


I've tried Linux a number of times, but it still takes too much tweaking to get it working right. I'm no longer a kid interested in hacking the internals of my Commodore - I just want my system to work.


I've also used Macs in the past. Though the interface was nice, the systems were fussy. The lack of command line was also a major turnoff.


Last summer a friend gave me an old PowerMac 450MHz G3 B&W to try OS X 10.2. Even though it's at half the clock speed, the performance is comparable to my 900MHz Thinkpad. The combination of a unix & Apple's polished interface in OS X has won me over. I think it's pretty much everything Linux wants to be. Over the past year I've used OS/2 less and less. Part of what helps is things like Open Office - no expense to replace SmartSuite. Money's tight at the moment or I'd have already replaced the G3. I have upgraded the video card and memory for better performance, as well as upgraded to OS X 10.3. I'm budgeting to get a G5 system when OS X 10.4 is released, most like at the start of next year.

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