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Homestar Runner RPG Demo

Paul Slocum

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Chris: Not sure about the label yet. It will probably just be "Homestar Runner RPG" (reference to Super Mario RPG).


Not sure about the fondue pot yet. We had to throw together some screenshots for a magazine article, and we were just trying to think of funny items to put in there.



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Is it because personal computers are tremendously more powerful with more efficient and easier to use tools? Is it due to the increased cart sizes? Or is it because homebrew programmers simply take the time to craft a good game without the constant looming threat of deadlines and milestones?


20 Years working with a single piece of hardware helps some too. Imagine what homebrews for the XBOX will look like in 20+ years! For that matter, imagine homebrews for the 2600 in 5 or 10 years.


As for Homestar RPG, It looks awesome. Ill be getting a copy for sure. We are big Homestar fans in our family.

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Chris: Not sure about the label yet.  It will probably just be "Homestar Runner RPG" (reference to Super Mario RPG).


Not sure about the fondue pot yet.  We had to throw together some screenshots for a magazine article, and we were just trying to think of funny items to put in there.





thats cool, but to be a jerk, Super Mario RPG also had a subtitle, Legend of the Seven Stars :P

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Faster PC's have lead to the creation of better algorithms and the ability to crunch ideas faster. Way back most folks used graph paper to forumulate graphics in such by hand. Coding was done from scratch in ASM on VAX's! Im sure a game of todays calibure could've been done but management didnt have 2 years for it to be completed ;)


I don't think that's it. From what I've heard' date=' they actually had some tools that were better than what we have. We still don't have a proper debugger, and I code most of my graphics in assembly.[/quote']


Odd how no contemporary development kits (thinking mainly of the Apple based setup Starpath/Epyx used) have been made available . . .


I think part of it is that the people making games are no longer in competition, so tricks and tips are openly shared between everyone.


Plus I think it's just that the people making games now are people who really love to do it. When you don't make any money doing it, it has to be something you really love and are completely dedicated to.


It seems like games are sometimes finished in much shorter time than they used to be. I have no idea why that is.


Well, seeing as how so many games were basically homebrews programmed by freelancers anyway (Did U. S. Games or Apollo even have their own programming staff? And let's not get started on Brazil, Germany, and Taiwan . . .), I imagine that community was always there, at least outside of Atari itself.


And come on, there has to be some profit involved here . . . I'm guessing the complete lack of overhead in 21st century 2600 programming helps. :)


And as for why games take less time . . . Well, I don't know about the personal habits of the homebrewers, but I am guessing that they consume far fewer psychedelic drugs than were floating around Atari in the 80s. :)


Awesome, awesome demo . . . Is there a .a26 version? I can't run it on z26, only Stella (where it has serious flicker issues).


And why not show us one of the minigames? Are any of them the same as the ones on the site? Heck, I'd buy Awexome Cross or Population: Tire on a cart by itself.







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Cooster: There is a tiny profit, but not enough to be any sort of real motivation. Working at McDonald's would turn a much better profit. ;)


I think Z26 is the only emulator that'll support it. I'm not sure how to make an A26 ROM.


Minigames aren't done yet, but some will be similar to games on the H*R site.


Chuck: Hehehe. ;) The game will include a beefy arm for good measure.



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Cooster:  There is a tiny profit, but not enough to be any sort of real motivation.  Working at McDonald's would turn a much better profit.  ;)


I think Z26 is the only emulator that'll support it.  I'm not sure how to make an A26 ROM.


Minigames aren't done yet, but some will be similar to games on the H*R site.


Chuck:  Hehehe.  ;)  The game will include a beefy arm for good measure.



I can confirm that it only works on Z26, mostly because PCAE starts Homestar out on the sea :?
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I think Z26 is the only emulator that'll support it.  I'm not sure how to make an A26 ROM.


Minigames aren't done yet, but some will be similar to games on the H*R site.




Everything seems to play on CyberStella smoothly, it's just that it has a lot of flicker . . . Almost at Froggo levels . . . And the minigames ought to be quite cool.

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It will likely be around $35.  If we include a box, around $45.


I was eagerly awaiting to buy it until I read that :(


I mean, I love homestar, and I love the 2600 and I'm sure you'll sell a

great deal many copies, but I just can't afford $60+ Canadian (45USD+shipping)


Good luck with the project!! :)

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this game will be worth EVERY dime of that $45.


I just spent the last half hour running around the HUGE map and just chillin' to the wicked pissa soundtrack. Dear lord, Paul what have you done? Are you sure this is going to be for the 2600? I've seen SNES games that aren't this good.


The music alone is reason to crave this game. The sheer size of the world and incredible graphics are unlike anything on the VCS. Amazing. Simply amazing. I await this with as much anticipation as I have ANY homebrew.





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I'm running Stella v1.2 on Mac OS X 10.3.3 and have no issues running any other ROM, but I cannot get past the opening screen on this H*R RPG ROM.


Any ideas? I'm a big H*R fan and into Atari as well. I'll probably end up buying the game when it comes out, but will feel a little more comfortable if I could try it out first.


WHY exactly won't this run on other emulators? Or what can I do to make it run on mine?



Also, my $0.02... you gotta distribute this as a "Videlectrix" product on the final release. ;)

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I'm running Stella v1.2 on Mac OS X 10.3.3 and have no issues running any other ROM, but I cannot get past the opening screen on this H*R RPG ROM.


It won't run on 1.2. You'll have to wait for 1.3 to get released for the Mac. (It's being worked on, but isn't ready yet.)

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I've picked the colors and constructed the tiles so the flicker is very subtle on a real TV.


Not sure why it won't work on some emulators.  Could be the bankswitching scheme (needs F6 with no SuperChip) or maybe illegal opcodes.



When I set PCAE to run it as a SuperChip (16k), It crashed. Do you want a screenshot of where Homestar is when I run rpgdemo2.bin on PCAE?
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