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Homestar Runner RPG Demo

Paul Slocum

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WTF? Gooch, this game is HOMESTAR RUNNER themed, not Trogdor. Trogdor is a very small part of the H*R universe.


AS you can see Zylon I have no clue as to what Homestar or Trogdor or whatever is. Im hoping the puzzles and such dont rely on knowledge of this theme.


Someone recreated Ultima III for the Gameboy and created a whole new universe which was based upon some numercial theory - Needless to say if you didnt understand this you couldnt finish the game.


Just my $0.02

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I think Z26 is the only emulator that'll support it.  I'm not sure how to make an A26 ROM.l


Not entirely true:






How did you get it to run in Stella on OS X? I can get the title screen to come up, but when I press the "button" (i.e. spacebar), it hangs!


I have Stella 1.2. Is 1.3 available for OS X now? If so, where? (Please don't give me the http://stella.sourceforge.net link -- I can't find it there.)



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WTF? Gooch, this game is HOMESTAR RUNNER themed, not Trogdor. Trogdor is a very small part of the H*R universe.


AS you can see Zylon I have no clue as to what Homestar or Trogdor or whatever is. Im hoping the puzzles and such dont rely on knowledge of this theme.


Someone recreated Ultima III for the Gameboy and created a whole new universe which was based upon some numercial theory - Needless to say if you didnt understand this you couldnt finish the game.


Just my $0.02


There's nothing arcane about the Homestar Runner world... just go to http://www.homestarrunner.com


Look lively!

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Is 1.3 available for OS X now?  If so, where?


Nope, not yet. It's being worked on, but isn't finished (I was running a pre-release of it). Sorry, I can't give any ETA on it, since I'm not doing any of the actual work. Just occassional testing. (And some of it is quite broken right now - moreso than in 1.2.)


As soon as it's available, you can be sure it will be made known here.

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Is 1.3 available for OS X now?  If so, where?


Nope, not yet. It's being worked on, but isn't finished (I was running a pre-release of it). Sorry, I can't give any ETA on it, since I'm not doing any of the actual work. Just occassional testing. (And some of it is quite broken right now - moreso than in 1.2.)


As soon as it's available, you can be sure it will be made known here.


But the other question... how did you get Homestar to run in it???

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But the other question... how did you get Homestar to run in it???


I guess I wasn't being clear - I ran Homestar on a pre-release of Stella 1.3. I simply loaded it up and it ran. 1.3 will support the illegal opcodes used by a lot of homebrews (Thrust +, Star Fire and Climber 5 also run). The sound (as with a lot of games in 1.3) is terribly distorted though. Some games which previously ran are outright busted. So 1.3's not ready for primetime yet.

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Of course, not only Stella and Z26 support it.... :)

Nice debugger!


But why are there "UNDEFINED" instructions? :ponder:


Because I haven't defined them yet. :)


I've only been putting in the undocumented opcodes as I get to them, so LAX is the only one I remember specifically putting in. As and when I need to update it, I do so. :)

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Now officially pushing the release to June.  I'm making steady progress, but my band and a few other projects are taking a little more time than expected.


Looks like the game's going to come with an exclusive Homestar RPG T-shirt.  ;)




as long as its gonna be mind blowing, take all the time you need. I can chew on the Demo a little longer. :) :) :) :)

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Now officially pushing the release to June.  I'm making steady progress, but my band and a few other projects are taking a little more time than expected.


Looks like the game's going to come with an exclusive Homestar RPG T-shirt.  ;)




Take all the time you need Paul.

No need to rush! :)

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I'm just going to post the same offer here I made on Slashdot when a discussion about the Homestar Runner RPG popped up...


Anyone that comes to my house in Perth, Western Australia with a Homestar Runner 2600 game cartridge will get a free Atari 2600 (minus the 9V adapter which you'll have to buy from Dick Smith or something).


I don't know that there's a huge number of Perth people without a deck that would be wanting the game, but the offer stands. I've got about 15 spare Atari 2600 consoles at the moment and I'll probably have more by the time the game is officially released.


You can message me on AtariAge, or you can visit my homepage for my email address.

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  • 5 months later...

i am a fan of homestar runner, especially the strongbad emails..


is this game available yet, or still available? cause i wanted to get into making carts someday myself.. mostly pinball simulations at first since midnight magic proves it's possible to make pinball games on the 2600.. and seeing this might give me some inspiration to make some pretty unique games.

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  • 1 month later...

I finished another part of it that was shown on TechTV (screenshot below), but the project is now on hold indefinitely. I don't have enough time to work on it with my band and other programming and art projects I'm trying to finish. I plan on releasing a simpler Homestar Runner game or set of minigames next year. I'll announce more specifics in the next couple of months.


Hopefully later next year I'll have time to start working on the RPG again.




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