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Choplifter rules!


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The 7800 Choplifter port was by the same company that butchered 7800 Karateka. I'd say their incompetence has been established well beyond the domain of mere opinion.


That's still your opinion, though I happen to share it. His opinion is that he likes the 7800 version the best.

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His opinion is that he likes the 7800 version the best.

Actually that's a fact (he likes the 7800 version best), based on an opinion (the 7800 version doesn't suck). The opinion part is pretty inexplicable though, considering that 7800 Choplifter is inferior to every other version in every quantifiable way.


It's kind of like those freaks who think 5200 Ballblazer is better than the 7800 version.


BTW, the "dark background on the originals" is called night. We get it right here on Earth, every day. Anyway, the Sculptured (XEGS) and Sega versions were also set during the day.

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Actually, the computer opponents in 7800 Ballblazer were too easy. :)  




Set it on level 10 and get back to me! ;-)


Yeah and I don't like the 7800 graphics either


Cool. I don't like the blocky 5200 graphics so we'll call it even! :P


Like I said before, the 5200 is nothing but a waste of solder and plastic.


More opinions being passed off as ... "facts".

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No. That would be the 7800.


Man, 5200 owners are a sensitive lot with some major penis envy! You still haven't recovered from your system being discontinued within two years of being introduced and replaced, have you? ;-)




7800 owners (and Lynx and Jaguar owners) have it too but for a different reason. We had to deal with the Tramiels and their tight wallets - the 5200 was killed by Warner who at least invested some money in game development.

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No. That would be the 7800.


Man, 5200 owners are a sensitive lot with some major penis envy! You still haven't recovered from your system being discontinued within two years of being introduced and replaced, have you? ;-)




7800 owners (and Lynx and Jaguar owners) have it too but for a different reason. We had to deal with the Tramiels and their tight wallets - the 5200 was killed by Warner who at least invested some money in game development.


Judging the size of the 5200 vs the 7800 Id say the 7800 would not want to enter the shower if you know what I mean :)

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I forgot clean about that other thread, the obvious flame bait from ElectricTroy who prompty entered my "IGNORE" list. :) It also reminded my of the not-so-subtle biases of Sku-U and Tempest. :P :P :P


I will give 5200 fans this: They can play ADVENTURE II and 7800 fans cannot.

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I think you're heavily outnumbered around here, Drac. The 7800 probably has the fewest amount of hardcore fans, I think the number one reason is the NES was so dominant at the time. And a secondary reason is that many gamers had moved on to XL/XE, ST, C64, or Amiga computers by the time the 7800 came out. Both 1 and 2 apply to me :)


But I admire your 7800 fanaticism :thumbsup:

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