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Favorite 2600 Programmer


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Doug Macare


Did he do anything other than Pole Position for the 2600? It's so hard to tell who did what with GCC.

So, GCC was like the outsource group for Atari?

I see a little history here:


Is there a list of what they did? If


is a list of sorts, color me impressed: those are some of the best conversions the Atari has ever seen, Battlezone, Kangaroo, etc.


It's funny how GCC keeps coming up in my life:

GCC-Greater Cleveland Conference (high school's athletic conf.)

gcc-Gnu C Compiler (from my comp sci days)

GCC-General Cinema Corporation (theater chain)

GCC - General Computer Corporation (Atari partner)

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So, GCC was like the outsource group for Atari?


Yes basically. They got caught by Atari for selling speedup kits for Missile Command and instead of being sued (they settled for making 3 arcade games for Atari) they were given a contract for making 2600 games. They were very good at what they did.


So GCC did RS Tennis and Qix? I didn't know that.



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Hi there!


Hm... did actually anyone ever try to contact GCC?


Remarkably, GCC Corporation still exists (at least it did 2 years ago). They now focus primarily on producing laser printers. Believe it or not! :)


I certainly believe you, as I was just browsing their homepage when I was typing my last message. ;)


Interesting reading on their "Corporate History" page:





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Hm... did actually anyone ever try to contact GCC?


I thought about it, but then I figured that no one who was there during the 2600 years would be left. I also generally don't like to go hunting people down, I consider it an invasion of privacy.



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Hi there!


I thought about it, but then I figured that no one who was there during the 2600 years would be left.  I also generally don't like to go hunting people down, I consider it an invasion of privacy.


When trying to "Hunt down" people for interviews for the Epyx Shrine, I normally get throughout positive reactions from them. Most of them are very happy that someone is still interested in their old work and really enjoy telling their story. I was even invited to an Epyx Reunion BBQ once :)




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When trying to "Hunt down" people for interviews for the Epyx Shrine, I normally get throughout positive reactions from them. Most of them are very happy that someone is still interested in their old work and really enjoy telling their story. I was even invited to an Epyx Reunion BBQ once  


Yes so do I. Out of the 20 or so people I've contacted I've only gotten one "no reply" and one guy who flaked on me (started talking then decided he didn't want to anymore). These days however I prefer to let them come to me, I've had over 15 different programmers contact me because they saw their game on my website. Now I'm the one being stalked by programmers, and I find that pretty cool!


Generally if I can find an e-mail address I'll shoot off a "would you like to talk about your game" e-mail. That way if they want to respond they can and if they don't there's no commitment on their end. However sometimes all I find are phone numbers and I never call because I don't want to bother them on the phone. Other people I know have hounded some of these guys by phone (trying to get them to come to their convention, looking for protos that they can sell, and what not), and I consider that most uncool. What can I say, some people just don't have any tact...


That's cool you got invited to the Epyx BBQ, I got invited to some Atari reunion shindig a year or so back (a small group of people), but I couldn't go due to time constrants. I would have felt weird there anyway since I was never an Atari employee (although that was my dream job growing up).



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This thread has made me realize just how many good programmers there are for the 2600. I knew there were quite a few, but I never put together just how many.


And my hat's off to all the good ones. Hey, without them, we've just got this system designed for Pong and Tank.

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And my hat's off to all the good ones.  Hey, without them, we've just got this system designed for Pong and Tank.


Ain't that the truth -


but, still...my favorite is Carla Meninsky


Dodge 'Em is still my favorite. Of course, David Crane made me go blind on Laser Blast. And I still remember the day my ENTIRE family played Pitfall til 3 am...on a 20" RCA console - the only way to play Atari.

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Here is an article I found online that describes such and incident and is a pretty good read.








However sometimes all I find are phone numbers and I never call because I don't want to bother them on the phone. Other people I know have hounded some of these guys by phone (trying to get them to come to their convention' date=' looking for protos that they can sell, and what not), and I consider that most uncool. What can I say, some people just don't have any tact...


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  • 1 month later...
Here is an article I found online that describes such and incident and is a pretty good read.








Just read that. Where did the author get that nonsensical rumor about Apple creating the mouse by turning an Atari Trak-ball over? I hate when non-technical people write articles like this. Doub Engelbart invented the mouse back in the mid 60's at SRI. Here's his 1968 demo for anyone that's interested.

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