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Castle Crisis


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I got my copy of Castle Crisis this afternoon and it looks fantastic. Thanks to everyone involved for another great brew. And thanks to the AtariAge store for the fast shipping!


Plus, I happened to get my lucky number, cart #77. Serendipity.


Thanks again!



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I saw this happen at another thread. The buyers of this:




(Castle Blast) have this older game confused with your newer Castle Crisis, I guess it was bound to happen but I think that makes two people I've heard of that ordered CBlast LE and thought they were getting Castle Crisis.

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(Castle Blast) have this older game confused with your newer Castle Crisis, I guess it was bound to happen but I think that makes two people I've heard of that ordered CBlast LE and thought they were getting Castle Crisis.


I can't tell you how many times I've typed "Castle Blast" instead of "Castle Crisis" and vice versa in the last few weeks. :)



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I am sure it'll be worth the wait.


The 8-bit Castle Crisis is an excellent achievement, and is way more fun than the 2600 Warlords.


I took an 8-bit computer to a games night recently. There were Xboxes, PS2s, Gamecubes, Jags, and much else besides. EVERYONE ended up playing Castle Crisis.


The only competition was from Defender on the 8-bit. That is high enough praise.

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I'm looking forward to getting my copy. When the docs and box are ready, I'm sure they'll be sweet.


I was wondering if a discount was going to be offered if I also wanted to pick up the 8 bit version? I already have the 5200 version on backorder, but it'd be nice to have both so I could also play the game on my XEGS.

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While I'm waiting for the 5200 Castle Crisis, I just got my copy of the Atari Computer version, also available from the store- I CANNOT STOP PLAYING THIS GAME! It's arcade-perfect, and I can use the Atari 2600 paddles with it. I don't think the 5200 version could top this one, since you can use regular paddle controllers with it! I am so looking forward to getting a 4-player game going sometime! Great job!

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Just a heads up for everyone waiting for their copy of Castle Crisis for the 5200. The manual is done and all the pre-orders will be shipped out tomorrow! The game has also been added to the store. Thanks for everyone's patience, it definitely took longer than expected to get this one out the door. If you haven't already built a 5200 Paddle Controller (or two, or three or four) now's the time!



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