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A bit off topic, but...


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...you guys may want to look at this; it's only done with a camcorder aimed at a 1084S monitor but this really is Smash Designs' Turrican 3 (footage of level 3.1, the first shoot-em-up stage) running on a stock C64 and 1541 drive with some pretty incredible-looking parallax...


http://www.visual-imagination.de/avi/level3-1.AVI (requires DivX 4 upwards to play)


AEG is estimating 4-6 weeks to completion, music is being done by Jeff/Viruz/Camelot/Crest and it's going to be released freely with the source code.

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Please, TMR, give me know - is it running on pure C64, or it needs some C64 "Super CPU" extension ?


Stock out-of-the-box breadbin and drive, no hardware expansions and 64K of RAM. A few tech details AEG and some others gave out are that it pulls a near to constant 50FPS, there are up to 16 colours onscreen during some levels (not as easy as it may seem on the C64 cosidering the mode used), and during the video the biggest sprite objects are six sprites wide. There are two sprites reserved for the player's ship whilst the other six are multiplexed up to 32, making 34 hardware sprites in total and the player's bullets are character-based.


Not sure how it plays yet but it's the Breakpoint party this weekend and AEG is taking previews along so hopefully we should get a few quick verdicts by the start of next week.


AEG's previous game Crush should be a fair benchmark technically (it's a bitch as a game, collisions are incredibly unfriendly).


http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=12568 - Crush in the CSDb.

http://cs.c64.org/ - Games That Weren't (have a look for Turrican 3 V2 for an old playable of a running around level released a few years back).

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...and during the video the biggest sprite objects are six sprites wide.  There are two sprites reserved for the player's ship whilst the other six are multiplexed up to 32, making 34 hardware sprites in total

I assumed that there is used intensive sprites' multiplexing.


and the player's bullets are character-based.

Oh, I wasn't noticed there are character-based objects (bullets). But yes, I have seen it now, aha.

So, now I think I understand how it is possible to manage it with standard C64. (I assumed this game does too much bitmap changes, but it was clever illusion only. ;) )

But it's still great game, I think! :)

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So, now I think I understand how it is possible to manage it with standard C64. (I assumed this game does too much bitmap changes, but it was clever illusion only.  ;) )



That's the way to go: "It isn't how it is done.... it is how it looks.




But it's still great game, I think!  :)


Turrican is always a great game 8)

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impressive...1st i thought where is the parallax and then it appeared... ;)


same happened to me with the atari ST game enchanted land by thalion coded by the carebears... 1st a "standard" non overlapping parallax appears but after the game logo disappears the front layer is running above all other layers... very nice but back to the c64 game-... looks very profesisonal...

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Wow  :o some hugely impressive parallax there. Presume that's possible because of the multiplexed sprites?


No, the sprites are just used (most of the time) for independent moving objects and the parallax is using characters.

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It's a slightly wonky server... i'm not sure how long AEG was planning on leaving the file there either. It's dead right now, if it's still down tomorrow morning my time i'll stash a copy on my box for those who still want a look.

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Okay, getting a 404 from the original link so i've moved it to my own server for a few days. i'll be removing the file at the end of the 10th of April, please don't all grab it at once 'cos the server is just a battered Dell P2 and the web server software sometimes crashes (i tend to notice within 20 minutes and get it going, but if i'm out that obviously doesn't happen...)

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  • 4 months later...
Just saw it's finally out, just made a download I'm curious about it.

Get it here:http://www.smash-designs.de/


What's curious?

I played it through the first levels, and it works fine(some minor bugs, but it works)

Unfortunately my "Hero" died before the end of Level 1-2...


Interesting to see if it works until the end... so I have to do something


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