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Or you are talking about the differencies in sounding on the emulation and the real HW?


No' date=' it seems like there's some difference in tuning between the instruments: f.e. the "guitar" is pitched a little higher than the "bass".


And I don't know if that's because you composed the wrong notes, or because the seperate instruments are detuned with respect to each other. That's why you should post the RMT song with the instruments.


There are some really nice tunes in the contest, but nothing "outstanding" or comparable to my experiments.


Hey, come on try to behave more modestly.


But I will continue to search for a way to optimize the sounding of "drama".


You should better optimize on composing now, then it would be really outstanding. Like I said, I'm not that impressed because of the detuning. Maybe you can do something about it. Post the RMT songs, and maybe I'll try to optimize the composition. Now it seems like a mixture of several indepentant melodies (which may cause my perception of detuning) instead of a piece of music.


As you can see ... the "G2F" Thread that I had started did work well and there are many results due to many interested people.


Maybe you shouldn't only share XEX files, but also the RMT files, then more people may take a look at your work, and be more modest. I think there are too many people that don't like your attitude now.

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okay thanks.


I still have some problems using RMT.


when I'm in instrument-choose mode (shift + left/right arrows) I can't go back to normal mode' date=' at least, I don't know how to....


emkay (or others) help me :?[/quote']


I don't have an answer for your problem because I may not understand where your problem is exactly.

When starting RMT, the Instrument choose mode is activated... so this is the normal mode.

But you may check the different functions when switching between "Track-editing", "Instrument-editing", "Info-editing" and "Pattern-editing" and the "prove-mode" though?

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okay thanks.


I still have some problems using RMT.


when I'm in instrument-choose mode (shift + left/right arrows) I can't go back to normal mode, at least, I don't know how to....


emkay (or others) help me  :?


I don't have an answer for your problem because I may not understand where your problem is exactly.

When starting RMT, the Instrument choose mode is activated... so this is the normal mode.

But you may check the different functions when switching between "Track-editing", "Instrument-editing", "Info-editing" and "Pattern-editing" and the "prove-mode" though?


No, when you start RMT, then you are in normal (edit song/instruments) mode. Use shift + left/right-arrow keys to enter instrument choose-mode. But now you cannot edit song or instruments anymore.


But now I've found out how to get out of instrument-edit-mode.


You must type right-shift + left/right arrow key to enter instrument-choose mode, then when I'm in the instrument editor then type left-shift + tab to exit from instrument choose mode, then you're able to edit the instrument again.


RMT is a powerful tool but sometimes it's not easy to handle.

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I hear something...The Atari Symphony warming up! :)


Is this the main freq plus 5th harmonic over a 3 octave range?






Argh... I wanted you guys to try the first of them on the real HW ;)


It plays well on the RMT itself but I cannot hear anything out of the emulator...

Playing it in a sap player does make it hang .... so I need some response from the outside ;)



To your question: It is a filter modified 1,79MHz Voice using generator "A".

The first Test is using Generator "2".

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This is the Pause-Mode melody of my game ADMIRANDUS that I wrote in 1990. The recording is from my 800XL...

It thought it is 16bit filtering, because the editor "A Musicians Dream" didn't show which AUDCTL setting is activated and I have lost the original source file.

I am trying to reproduce it since the first version of RMT... but it seems to be impossible.

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Okay, my first RMT attempt.  Watch out for the portamento...


It's a sweet sounding melody in the main voice....


To expand into the chaos of sounding ( ;) ), just try to use a different POKEY setting (for a cooler sounding)... simple filter for example.

Let's see how fast you will give up ;)

Standard filter will always bring unwanted harmonics when playing higher notes.

1,79MHz filter is the solution for clean high notes.... If it only was supported properly...

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Whoa yeah, I tried to do some filtering but there just does not seem to be enough voices.


Here are a few songs translated from Amiga Mods.


I was messing around with the Approach song main voice, to try to use filtering, but I could not get it to work right. Using 1.79MHz filter yield horrible high pitches. The 1,3 filter turned the snare drum into a bird chirp.... hmmm...


I did make the main voice just using the envelope.


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I was messing around with the Approach song main voice' date=' to try to use filtering, but I could not get it to work right. Using 1.79MHz filter yield horrible high pitches. The 1,3 filter turned the snare drum into a bird chirp.... hmmm...


Here is the dual-pokey version. I finally had enough voices to filter the lead close to what I wanted. This version is closer to the original, but still yields some low frequencies effects.


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Well... The thread is about 1 Pokey and single VBI speed ;)


When converting a MOD file, I would try to begin like this...


... and ... feel free to play around with it... if you want.


Cool, thanks. I will mess with it. How do I adjust the VBI speed with RMT?


Yeah, the dual pokey option is very limited since how many people have 2? :) But, this was just an example, I don't expect it to be used.



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So, to turn on single VBI timing, do I need to set the 15KHz bit for each voice?  


I thought that that was just to select 15KHz versus 64KHz source clock for the voice.



The 15KHz are for a better distance between the voices. Using all channels at 64kHz gives unwanted "overlay" sounds between the channels.


The VBI speed can be adjusted by 1 2 3 4 x So 4-fold speed means 200Hz on PAL machines.


In the upper row you can see the speed display " 10/10/1"

Activating the "I" button and "TAB" until the curser is at the position of "1", you are able to set the VBI speed with the "CTRL" and "lelft/right" keys...


Even here remembering, that a multi VBI Speed Song isn't usable with G2F Screens.

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OK, I couldn't resist the Mod that gave me my handle:


(1 Pokey, 1 VBI timing).



Do you know this thread?





Check this version of Cybernoid (it's imho the best POKEY version yet ;) , but a bit too noisy)




When having a look into the song, you may recognize many changed patterns.

This shows one of the biggest POKEY-Tracker mistakes. The tracks must be choosable by Intruments .. not by POKEY channels.

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