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What's your favorite Atari label variation ?


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I like text labels the best. Not only do they have game variation menus (very handy for games like Space Invaders), but I think they give off a more sophisticated vibe as well. The picture labels seemed designed to pander to childrens' imaginations :| No offense, of course, to anyone who likes the pic labels (I like a number of them myself), I just prefer text labels.

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1. they just have the look of "vintageness". New videogames would of course have pics. But for the most part, the text only stuff is old


2. The labels are better. Yes, when you compare a text label with a pic one, the actual label itself (for a text one) is usually in better condition. Apparently they were made with thicker paper or more durable for some reason. Usually when a game has a damaged label, its not a text label.


3. They are more professional looking. They look less like "a kids toy" and more like an "adult" toy.

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Well' date=' I'm not sure about Blackjack... but if you want a picture label version of Championship Soccer, look for the game "Pele's Soccer". It's the same game, except for the name and the label.[/quote']


Blackjack was released in 1986 as a black picture label in a grey box... there was one on eBay recently, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=8116182942.


I've heard it reported in the US too, but it's pretty scarce in any country. Anyone got one spare? I need it! :)

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I have to agree that I like the text labels because they show the variations. I don't want to have to go only to the manuals page to find out what game variation I want to play......

I also like both the standard activision labels and the special ones (e.g. H.E.R.O. , Commando, Pitfall ][.)

The activision standard labels actually show you what the game looks like, unlike most other picture labels which display stuff that the atari could never do. Granted the picture labels are pretty, they make me feel like the company was trying to convince people that graphics are everything, but great graphics do not a great game make. I think it helps to have the variations on the cart, but I hate the sears text labels, the name of the game is only on the end of the cart.

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Yep. Manuals aren't as easy to come by as they used to be, and a good ol' text label can be very handy for finding variations. So, I like those from a practical standpoint.


As for something to just look at, however, I love the red label games. Classy!

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