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MESS Problems


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i tried dos based version 37b not working

i tried mess32 36b version... not working


really...i put everywhere the 7800.rom

to bios/a7800 or roms/a7800 to roms/


but it refuses to load any cart...


the windows version starts emulation

(after legal screen the emulation screen opens with info on the system...but when i hit the screen...there is the screen with "cartridge #1:---" and when i press a key the emulator quits...)


how the f... do i get mess working? sorry...but could be the problem that i isntalled several versions??? registry problems???


well...back to senso 7800 dx... ;=)

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OK, for MESS32 you want the 7800.rom to be in the biosa7800 folder and your a78 file in the softwarea7800 folder. If you are getting to the cartridge #1 screen, it sounds like your files are in the right place. You probably want to try playing with the display (or sound) options in MESS32 as that sounds like that may be what is crashing it.




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Originally posted by Mitch:

Winter and Summer games are supposed to work in the next release. They use onboard RAM which doesn't work properly in the current release of MESS.


Excellent! I wish they'd make some sort of announcement as to when the next release is going to be made available! I guess this is one of the downsides to having a huge multi-emulator emulator like MESS instead of emulators for specific consoles.



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Hey there. I sporadically get the famous DirectDraw error:

"IDirectDraw.SetDisplayMode failed: DDERR_INVALIDMODE"

It happens 60% of the time, which kinda makes me upset.


I really hate MESS. I thought the DOS-based emulator was way-much better. It gave me lots of freedom for placing my ROMs wherever I wanted to, without having to mess around with folders and emulator usage checks every time it loaded.


Any ideas? I'm using v37b15.



-John K. Harvey

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Good suggestion, Mitch.


I checked the options, but alas, it is one of those "always checked" boxes. I assume there's a reason it's always checked... perhaps I need to upgrade my version of DirectX? Or maybe get a new computer (I'm running Win95, and a P200 without MMX)?


Ah, life is complicated. And I just want to be able to emulate 320x2 mode. : )


-John K. Harvey

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